I just bought my first tractor a 98 model 7410. It is a 4x4 with cab. The tractor has 3628 hours. Does anyone here have a similar tractor or this model and what do you think? Guess I may be asking after the fact....
we have one and just love it , it's are main tractor put over 7000 hours on it and have no complaints , guess the only I could say is it's a little tippy when you get a bale up high but other then that can't seem to think of anything off hand
From what I have seen the 7000 series is very reliable. One of my best friends has a 7210 with 15,000 hours. All they have replaced is a battery and an alternator. We have had a hesston tractor for years and it has been ok, but it is to the point where parts are impossible to find.
Have 98 model 7410 with over 10,000 hours on it and just love it. little bow rancher is right either hang cast weights on it or fill the back end up with fluid.