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A few photos from today

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Ned Jr.

Well-known member
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Thought I'd share a few photos from today.

Turned out the herd bulls a few days ago. Here's the old man, nine years old now and happy to be home from the bull stud. Not the best photo of him but the scenery looks good :D .

A couple more bulls.


Hay fields are green now but won't be ready to cut until next month. We only get one cutting here at 8,000 feet elevation.

I pulled the CIDERS from these heifers yesterday so it's about time to get busy AIing. They're not very happy I took them out of their pasture.


Northern Rancher said:
Just a nice size bunch to time breed-I think my 250 head days are behind me. Bulls are looking good-how far are you from Denver?

About 3 hours.
gcreekrch said:
I always enjoy looking at your cattle Ned, someday maybe I will come and see them in person.


Thanks. I hope you can visit us some day. I'd still like to visit you and see your country sometime. And maybe shoot something while I was there.
Lets drive up together Ned. If we can't find animals, we can shoot gcreek! :lol: I still need to put some semen in my tank from that beautiful bull of yours.
leanin' H said:
Lets drive up together Ned. If we can't find animals, we can shoot gcreek! :lol: I still need to put some semen in my tank from that beautiful bull of yours.

I wonder what kind of mileage THAT will give you in your old stock truck. :?

Ya better be prepared there young fella, takin' thataway, I can be a fairly dangerous man. :lol:
gcreekrch said:
leanin' H said:
Lets drive up together Ned. If we can't find animals, we can shoot gcreek! :lol: I still need to put some semen in my tank from that beautiful bull of yours.

I wonder what kind of mileage THAT will give you in your old stock truck. :?

Ya better be prepared there young fella, takin' thataway, I can be a fairly dangerous man. :lol:
Ned, take pictures, this could be fairly entertaining. :)
Flood? Does it ever flood those buildings so close to the creek? In alabama it would flood that place ever time it rained.
per said:
gcreekrch said:
leanin' H said:
Lets drive up together Ned. If we can't find animals, we can shoot gcreek! :lol: I still need to put some semen in my tank from that beautiful bull of yours.

I wonder what kind of mileage THAT will give you in your old stock truck. :?

Ya better be prepared there young fella, takin' thataway, I can be a fairly dangerous man. :lol:
Ned, take pictures, this could be fairly entertaining. :)

I expected a pretty good comeback from that. Hope H isn't lost and wandering in the desert alone. They were gathering the last few cattle out of a pasture you remember.

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