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A few picture's from the summer


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Alberta Canada
Shorty driving her pony


A friend from work

Anobody seen my Mom?

Shorty caught one last year, Rooster caught one this year...maybe next year Dad will buy another fishing rod LoL


Probably won't have to do this next year....gunna kinda miss it :)

Rooster found another gear this year....there's a few more yet :)

Hope your all having a great summer!!!
Looks like your kids are enjoying a fine childhood. You are raising them right, and giving them responsibilities along with fun. They will have many wonderful memories in years to come, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you did the best you could in their raising. Good job.
Nice Bruce, fishing, riding and driving are life long skills that are foreign to most of the population yet you and your family can use them often in the pursuit of life and a living. Makes a guy realize how blessed we are to have the ranching opportunity.
Thank's for the compliment's!!! And yup it's pretty nice to sit back and share a few photo's and think.....we're pretty dang lucky to be able to do this stuff!!!
Have a great Sunday!
Great pictures. looks like you guys know how to have fun. :D :D :D

Your Shorty and my Shorty would have a great time driving their ponies.

Probably get racing. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tell Shorty the smile on her face is great and I know how she feels.
There is nothing like going for a nice drive to put a smile on your face. :D

BTW the Bears you can keep but the fish looks real tastyyyyyy. :wink:

Hint for Shorty, according to what I have read if she goes into driving
contests she has to wear leather gloves and carry a whip on the cart.
I don't know why you need a whip but I do know why you need the gloves. I very seldom drive without hand protection from the leather
lines. :wink: Tell her to cherish the time she gets with her pony, she
is making memories that will last a lifetime.
BMR not without an outside influence.....and mine's already been told you better trust your own judgement when dealing with Grampa....LoL

Sheeesh did you guy's know kid's need inside AND outside shoe's to go to school nowaday's???? :shock: :lol:

Thank's for the tip's!!
btw the purolater guy figured out something was up when the box started growling.......are you near a greyhound station? (shoot they let my nephew on......:)

Take care.

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