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About lost a calf today

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
Southeast Kansas
Just about lost a calf today, being the idiot I am I put our mules over in pasture with cows so a friend could deer hunt in an area. He shot a deer and when looking for it ran across a new calf a couple days old. Thing was two mules were protecting the calf and would not let him or the mother go near the calf.

Had the hardest time getting the mules to leave this calf, they were circled around it and would not move and acted like they were going to attack if we went near it.

Finally the wife got them away and the calf went straight to nursing. I have had them act weird through fence lines before but always kept them away at calving time because I heard this could happen.

Guess I better keep better records and pay attention to calving, I forget this cow which is one my best has never not calved in 11 months every year she is a month earlier than I expect. Guess that is a good problem to have though, wish they were all like her.
If you need another mule, I could sure sell you one. He is a good-looking long-eared representative of the breed, and guaranteed to kill a calf. He doesn't just stand over them in protective mode; he chases them and stomps them to death. Many years ago I resolved to not clutter up the place with any more mules, but I backslid. This is kind of like a recovering alcoholic going back to the sauce after a several year abstinence. Anyway, I share your pain. :wink:
I don't believe this for one minute.

I believe it was just your lack of cattle care.

Don't blame this one on the mules......you're the jackass here!!
Soapweed said:
If you need another mule, I could sure sell you one. He is a good-looking long-eared representative of the breed, and guaranteed to kill a calf. He doesn't just stand over them in protective mode; he chases them and stomps them to death. Many years ago I resolved to not clutter up the place with any more mules, but I backslid. This is kind of like a recovering alcoholic going back to the sauce after a several year abstinence. Anyway, I share your pain. :wink:

well dont feel to bad soapweed,that bay of mine does the same thing,never seen a horse that hates cattle like him..............good luck
kolanuraven said:
I don't believe this for one minute.

I believe it was just your lack of cattle care.

Don't blame this one on the mules......you're the jackass here!!

jees ! some one needs new batteries for thier little plastic buddy!
kolanuraven said:
I don't believe this for one minute.

I believe it was just your lack of cattle care.

Don't blame this one on the mules......you're the jackass here!!

Guess I do not understand your post? :? :? :?

I pointed out that it was my fault, I should have paid closer attention to my possible calving dates to realize I could have this happen.

Or is it you do not understand how mules can act around stranger animals in their pastures?
Soapweed said:
If you need another mule, I could sure sell you one. He is a good-looking long-eared representative of the breed, and guaranteed to kill a calf. He doesn't just stand over them in protective mode; he chases them and stomps them to death. Many years ago I resolved to not clutter up the place with any more mules, but I backslid. This is kind of like a recovering alcoholic going back to the sauce after a several year abstinence. Anyway, I share your pain. :wink:

No we have 3 mules to many as it is, but thanks for the offer! :wink: Seems like the kids got going so much in sports the ones we got never get ridden.

In past I have had problem when a calf got out we were working and one Mule started chasing it and biting it on the butt. She ran the calf through the fence. But usually once they get use to them through fence line, I can run them together even with the calves. But this is first time one was born in the same pasture as them.

Stupid mule jumped the fence this morning and was back in pasture with the calf. I may be trying to get rid of one myself.

Everytime I let someone hunt here it turns in to some issue! :(
We had two mares foal at the same time,within hours of each other,a young filly,just over two we hadn't bred yet,broke into the cattle and claimed a calf,we had a heck of a time getting the calf away from her.She seemed to want to be a mom like the other two mares,had to move cattle to pasture early because she was such a problam.
kolanuraven said:
I don't believe this for one minute.

I believe it was just your lack of cattle care.

Don't blame this one on the mules......you're the jackass here!!

Mules are well-known for killing calves. This doesn't have anything to do with "lack of care". Just someone confirming what others have had to learn the hard way as well. Gee whiz, you could save your rudeness for another forum.

A couple years ago we had some late calvers that we stuck in a corral at a neighbors for a couple days until the sale and they had a llama in there. We didn't figure it would be any big deal until one of the cows calved. I pulled in to feed them and the cow was bawling at this llama laying down on the ground. I kept feeding figuring she just didn't like it laying there.

For some reason I figured I better check things out and as I walked up to the llama, I see a little black tail underneath it. So I start kicking the llama trying to get it up, but it wouldn't get off. So I went to the truck to get a stick and realized I had the hot shot with me. I hit it with that a couple of times, with no luck. By now I'm pissed so I shocked it right on the lip, that got it up, but then the thing tried coming after me, so I get out of the pen.

Everytime I try to sneak in to get to the calf, it would come after me. Finally I get it to follow me over to a gate into a new pen and let it chase me in so I can get back around to shut the gate. The calf turned out to be fine and the cow was happy to have it back. I never in my life figured I would be a world champion llama fighter!!!
sic 'em reds said:
A couple years ago we had some late calvers that we stuck in a corral at a neighbors for a couple days until the sale and they had a llama in there. We didn't figure it would be any big deal until one of the cows calved. I pulled in to feed them and the cow was bawling at this llama laying down on the ground. I kept feeding figuring she just didn't like it laying there.

For some reason I figured I better check things out and as I walked up to the llama, I see a little black tail underneath it. So I start kicking the llama trying to get it up, but it wouldn't get off. So I went to the truck to get a stick and realized I had the hot shot with me. I hit it with that a couple of times, with no luck. By now I'm p****d so I shocked it right on the lip, that got it up, but then the thing tried coming after me, so I get out of the pen.

Everytime I try to sneak in to get to the calf, it would come after me. Finally I get it to follow me over to a gate into a new pen and let it chase me in so I can get back around to shut the gate. The calf turned out to be fine and the cow was happy to have it back. I never in my life figured I would be a world champion llama fighter!!!

:lol: I think llamas are like the plague. :roll: EVERYONE has to have two or three or ten on their little 5 acres of paradise around here. Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see what they're good for. Sheep are good for wool and horses are good for packing stuff around. Why, oh why, would you replace them with a llama?
High Plains said:
kolanuraven said:
I don't believe this for one minute.

I believe it was just your lack of cattle care.

Don't blame this one on the mules......you're the jackass here!!

Mules are well-known for killing calves. This doesn't have anything to do with "lack of care". Just someone confirming what others have had to learn the hard way as well. Gee whiz, you could save your rudeness for another forum.


Nope...Ahole earns this one.

He seems never to believe anything anyone else says....so why should I or anyone believe him?????
Guess I don't know the background here, so I was takin' it at face value. I'll leave it between the two of you and have a great day! :wink:

High Plains said:
Guess I don't know the background here, so I was takin' it at face value. I'll leave it between the two of you and have a great day! :wink:


Good move!! :wink:
High Plains said:
Guess I don't know the background here, so I was takin' it at face value. I'll leave it between the two of you and have a great day! :wink:


Well, a little background, they dislike each other. A little more background, Kola'll start something just for the fun of starting it. :D Now kolo, I'm simply relaying the facts so that HP can get an idea of the situation here.
mytfarms said:
High Plains said:
Guess I don't know the background here, so I was takin' it at face value. I'll leave it between the two of you and have a great day! :wink:


Well, a little background, they dislike each other. A little more background, Kola'll start something just for the fun of starting it. :D Now kolo, I'm simply relaying the facts so that HP can get an idea of the situation here.

If you don't ' grow' out that snotty attitude....someone will eventually beat it out of you..........

Mind your own business......
kolanuraven said:
mytfarms said:
High Plains said:
Guess I don't know the background here, so I was takin' it at face value. I'll leave it between the two of you and have a great day! :wink:


Well, a little background, they dislike each other. A little more background, Kola'll start something just for the fun of starting it. :D Now kolo, I'm simply relaying the facts so that HP can get an idea of the situation here.

If you don't ' grow' out that snotty attitude....someone will eventually beat it out of you..........

Mind your own business......

Yes ma'am.

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