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Adopt A Lawyer!!!!!!

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Northern Rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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R-Calf U.S.A. announces their new adopt a lawyer iniative-spearheading this program will be Leo McDonnell who has instigated several frivoulous and wrongheaded court challenges to keep U.S. border closed. "It is imperative that the U.S. rancher's ignore trade findamentals,science etc. so we can keep more lawyers employed. There is a good chance we may be sending the cattle business to hell in a handbasket but it is more important we keep our law firms profitable." Producers can contribute calves etc. at several blind to the truth stockyards throughout the U.S. R-Calf asks that producers refrain from using common sense at all times as this would certainly derail this worthy objective of ensuring law firm profits.
Ol' Saddletramp and I were riding along on our ponies and chatting today. He has worked on quite a few ranches around the Sandhills, and has a pretty good perspective on how different folks operate. He has kept his eyes and ears open, and has learned different tricks of the trade from every outfit he every rode for.

Early on, in the '70's when he first hit this country, he worked for a big absentee owned-foreman operated place that had a big crew. There was another big ranch further down in the hills owned by the same people, which also had a big crew run by a foreman. These guys from both ranches were all cowboys, and there was fierce competition and rivalry to be the best at their trade. Fads came and went on a regular basis, and each cowboy was justifyably proud of their own saddles, gear and personal cowpuncher attire.

Saddletramp and the other hands from the north ranch went to help work cattle at the south ranch. He noticed that every cowboy down there had an extra plain leather chin strap (which connects to the underside of a bridle bit) attached to their saddle. He was puzzled but didn't ask any questions. On their way home that evening, the foreman from the north ranch wondered aloud if any of the others had observed the extra chin straps that all the south cowboys were carrying. They did. The foreman laughed and said that one of the top hands down south knew his chin strap was getting badly worn, so had brought along a spare one day. The next day all the hands had "spares". The lead instigator used his new chin strap, and all the others were still carrying theirs because it was the present style.

Is there a lesson in this about R-Calf, and their "adopt a lawyer" quest? :lol:

Chin strap clones!

That is so too funny!

Good story Soapweed!

Here's another one. Have you watched a highschool basketball game in recent years and watched the players rub the bottom of their shoes as if something was stuck to them??? Someone did it a few times and pretty soon everyone was doing it without even thinking why they were doing it. I laughed everytime I saw it. An NCBA supporting basketball player (independent thinker) must have finally questioned the relevance of rubbing your shoe bottoms without anything being there and now it's toned down some.

Reminds me of the local R-CALFer that was bitching about "captive supplies" but couldn't define it. "AH...ER.....WEll.....AH....."


~SH~ said:

Chin strap clones!

That is so too funny!

Good story Soapweed!

Here's another one. Have you watched a highschool basketball game in recent years and watched the players rub the bottom of their shoes as if something was stuck to them??? Someone did it a few times and pretty soon everyone was doing it without even thinking why they were doing it. I laughed everytime I saw it. An NCBA supporting basketball player (independent thinker) must have finally questioned the relevance of rubbing your shoe bottoms without anything being there and now it's toned down some.

Reminds me of the local R-CALFer that was bitching about "captive supplies" but couldn't define it. "AH...ER.....WEll.....AH....."



I have seen the ball players lick their hands then wipe their shoe then in a little while do it again must taste good.
SH, they rub at the bottom of their shoes to get the traction back from all the sweat on the floor. Our coach has the players do it every now and then, don't know if it works, but is his orders.

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