Sandman: "The fact is, NONE if the plaintiffs forward contracted cattle."
SH (in response): "That is a damn lie!"
Mike (in response): "It is a fact SH. All plaintiffs were removed from the case three years ago if they had entered into marketing agreements with Tyson."
Mike You can not change what I have stated in the past or what Sandman said in your desperation to peg something on me. You know damn well
the issue here is whether or not the plaintiffs ever entered into a forward contract with a major packer not whether they entered into a forward contract WITH TYSON.
The hypocrisy is in claiming "forward contracts" as market manipulation after having utilized forward contracts with a major packer yourself. That is the issue here.
Now would you like to make a wager of say $100 on whether or not one or more of the Pickett plaintiffs ever entered into a forward contract with a major packer????
If I am going to provide the truth to bury you, it better be worth my time.
How about you ankle biter?
I see you are doing somersaults thinking you finally have something on me when you aren't even within sight of a tree. What this shows everyone is just how desperate you really are in your feeble attempt to finally peg something on me. Mike says what you want to hear so you sink your teeth into it like a rabid dog without giving it a second thought because it's what you wanted to hear. Talk about a lemming.
$100 says that one or more of the plaintiffs in Pickett has entered into a forward contract with a major packer.
Feel lucky ankle biter?
Sandman: "It seems your above rant is trying to discredit me and divert from whether or not the Pickett plaintiff used the cash markets exclusively or not."
The issue here is whether or not one or more of the plaintiffs in Pickett ever entered into a forward contract with a major packer.
You can't redefine the issue here so why do you even attempt to pull that deceptive crap with me?
This isn't an R-CALF situation where you don't have to be reminded tomorrow of what you said today.
Sandman: "I mentioned to ocm just the other day that you are the most guilty of what you accuse others of."
PROVE IT!!!!!!!
All you ever have is cheap talk Sandman and you'll talk your way out of this too.
You blamers are all the same. As long as someone says what you want to believe then that's the way it is. You don't feel you should have to support any of your beliefs. That's how the conspiring blaming mind works.
I'm glad you blamers have your little support groups (Mike, OCM, and Ankle biter) but when it comes time to back up your allegations, YOU'RE EMPTY HANDED.
That's precisely why R-CULT loses in court too. Facts mean nothing to a conspiracy driven blaming organization.
Sandman: "If you would look again, you will notice I was talking about marketing agreements. I didn't even mention forward contracts. Also, forward contracts don't have to be tied to the futures market. They can be tied to the cash markets or whatever is agreed upon."
The issue here is CAPTIVE SUPPLIES and their affect on the cattle markets. Captive supplies are those cattle owned or otherwise controlled by packers for more than 14 days prior to slaughter. We are not discussing "marketing agreements" in general which includes formula and grid cattle, most of which are sold a week in advance of delivery date and are not considered captive supply cattle because they are not owned or otherwise controlled by packers for more than 14 days prior to slaughter.
Don't try to your redirection bullsh*t with me.
Most of those forward contracts are tied to the futures market.
Now if you think you can correct any of this information with facts NOT STATEMENTS to the contrary, your welcome to give it your usual "steer's try".
Sandman: "Really? Do you have any proof that they did? For whatever reason, the court is convinced that they kept to the cash markets. Is the court lying? I can understand how you could see them inept via their ruling, but there is a disagreement between you and them. You want to straighten that out for us, buddy?"
Let's get something straight. I am not your buddy. I do not associate with those in this industry that outwardly, knowingly support lies and deception. You have been privy to the debate and still you chose to support the lies and deception of R-CULT.
Do you feel confident enough to take my bet or do you want to conduct your little sand dance again?
I'm flattered by your desperation to prove me wrong.
Someday maybe you'll have more than "fools gold" in your bag.