Pull a tail hair out of a horse , 1 with no cracks or splits in it a ft long about . You need a gold ring & glass . put the the hair through the ring .Pick up the ends of the hair in in your index finger & thumb of each hand . Now lower the ring into the glass so it hangs free on the hair in the middle of the glass , this works best with your elbows on the table hold the ring still . This is like wishing water if you can do it or not some people can some cant . The ring will swing back & forth & start to bang on 1 side of the glass or the other . 1 hit for every year the animal has been alive .
VB showed me this , Dont laugh , try it . & if you know this Please explain how it works .....I cant
VB showed me this , Dont laugh , try it . & if you know this Please explain how it works .....I cant