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Agman - corn

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Brad S said:
Agman, are you worried about corn plantings yet?

It is too early to get overly concerned at this point. If the weather outlook by Thursday is for more cool-wet conditions next week then I would expect the trade to get a bit more exicted. July corn closed today $.02/per bu above our average price projection for the second-half of April. Few if any acres would be switched to beans unless corn plantings are delayed beyond May 10.

How are those kids doing; any more tricks up their sleeves?!! Have a great day.
Read a long range forecast today. It called for cooler than normal temps for the next three months which will in turn increase precipitation in some areas.

So much for "Global warming"?
Wonder if it'll be like last year here, one heck of a cool summer, freezing around the area in August. Alot of the nieghbors are combining corn now. Didn't pay last fall with it well over 30% at it's driest time, coming out of the fields now around 12 to 13 %. If propane keeps rising there's going to be alot of natural drying going on in this region with the next crop. By the way it's cloudy now, in the 40's and a good north wind.
Thanks for your thoughts on the corn biz.

The kids are happy school is about over for the summer - they don't know that school is never over. I told them we'd go skiing after we got my Dad's corn planted so the kids want to half-ass the corn in. My Dad is terribly demanding about corn planting, and at 73 he's not getting any easier to satisfy. My son, Clayton Wyatt is a natural born cowman cause he couldn't give a flip about planting corn. Dad is getting edgy about not planting, and Clayton Wyatt is edgy about not planting, but my thermometer said 28 degrees yesterday morning, and the ground temp at 4 inches at 10 am was 46 degrees this morning.
Brad S said:
Thanks for your thoughts on the corn biz.

The kids are happy school is about over for the summer - they don't know that school is never over. I told them we'd go skiing after we got my Dad's corn planted so the kids want to half-ass the corn in. My Dad is terribly demanding about corn planting, and at 73 he's not getting any easier to satisfy. My son, Clayton Wyatt is a natural born cowman cause he couldn't give a flip about planting corn. Dad is getting edgy about not planting, and Clayton Wyatt is edgy about not planting, but my thermometer said 28 degrees yesterday morning, and the ground temp at 4 inches at 10 am was 46 degrees this morning.

The current weather update is calling for the cool /wet conditions to prevail until May 6-7. If that forecast gets revised to extend the cold/wet conditions beyond that period then the trade will take notice a take prices higher. Watch the extended forecast this Friday. Have a good one.

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