Algae, European Gas Prices, and Born in the U.S.A
By Victor Davis Hanson
February 25, 2012 5:44 P.M.
As gas nears $5-a-gallon out west, the president, who has cancelled a key pipeline and frozen federal leases from Alaska to the East Coast, teaches us about American algae potential, in the way he used to emphasize the importance of tire pressure and "tune-ups." He castigates the opposition for making political hay out of bad news, in the way he routinely did as a senator in compiling the most partisan voting record in the Senate. Energy Secretary Chu cannot and will not say a word about soaring gas prices, since he is on record not so long ago hoping that they might double — that is, get to $8- to 10-a-gallon as they are in Europe. The Energy Department can do almost everything Americans don't want, but not the single thing they do want.
The more Afghans kill Americans, the more the president seems to apologize for our troops disposing of confiscated Korans, desecrated by Muslim-terrorist detainees. Would that Obama talk so deferentially to Americans instead of serially emphasizing their laziness, their nativism, and their past transgressions in the Middle East. The treasury secretary who oversaw $5 trillion in new debt, and who oversees an IRS that he himself not long ago tried to short, lectures us that a premium in taxes must be paid for the fact of our being born American. The first lady, who cannot keep from vacationing at Costa del Sol, Vail, Aspen, and Martha's Vineyard, keeps reminding us, who do not go to those tony retreats or $30,000-a-plate fundraisers, that we must pay our fair share to a nearly insolvent government to help it help the less fortunate, 50 percent of whom pay no income taxes. Secretary of State Clinton, who not long ago declared Bashar Assad a "reformer" now says the thug must go, with State Department subordinates warning about Syrian "WMD." If true, one wonders where Assad got them. If our allies were in crises — Israel with Iran, Britain with Argentina, Poland or the Czech Republic with Putin's Russia — no one quite knows what America would say or do.
And always, in the midst of these problems, we hear of a "they" who caused all of the above.