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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2005
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Tell me how I can get more money for my steers at the sale barn,without planting a big dummie like bmr to bid em up,I try that he would wind up buying every damn one of em LOL :( :( .............good luck
Big Muddy rancher said:
Haymaker when you posted that post about Big Ears I thought you were going to tell about your cattle.

I dont keep cattle with too much ear,or horns are you interested in sittin in that sale barn and runnin the price of my black steers up 8) ...........good luck
Haymaker- You should have been selling today on Superior---Neighbor up north sold his calves-- 630 lb steers at $130.75--$823 per head for Nov 1 delivery....Not a bad price.......
Big Muddy rancher said:
Haymaker when you posted that post about Big Ears I thought you were going to tell about your cattle.

I dont keep cattle with too much ear,or horns are you interested in sittin in that sale barn and runnin the price of my black steers up 8) ...........good luck

Haymaker why don't you feed those steers out and kill them in R-CALF's packing plant then brand them R-CALF cattle as you R-CALFers only raise cattle not beef. By bypassing the big packers you cheat them out of some money and make a wind fall profit. As well you be helping the rest of the cattle industry by making sure your cattle don't become captive supply for some evil packer. :cowboy: Oh yea just think of all those coomision dollars you will save and the check-off will onlly be colected once so you cheat NCBA. Heck this plan sounds so good maybe Oldtimer, rancher and Sandhusker should try it.
Tell me how I can get more money for my steers at the sale barn,without planting a big dummie like bmr to bid em up,I try that he would wind up buying every damn one of em LOL :( :( .............good luck

What in the world are you trying to say? You might consider another copy and paste project.
Haymaker: "Tell me how I can get more money for my steers at the sale barn,without planting a big dummie like bmr to bid em up,I try that he would wind up buying every damn one of em LOL"

Does that make sense to you Hayseed?

Now there's a scary thought!

You should have been selling today on Superior---Neighbor up north sold his calves-- 630 lb steers at $130.75--$823 per head for Nov 1 delivery....Not a bad price.......***Did those calves have brands and RFID tags???????
PORKER said:
You should have been selling today on Superior---Neighbor up north sold his calves-- 630 lb steers at $130.75--$823 per head for Nov 1 delivery....Not a bad price.......***Did those calves have brands and RFID tags???????

Calves are branded-- don't think they are RFIDed as Montana has not set up a system for premise ID yet...They were preconditioned and implanted...Mostly April- May calves.....

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