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American cattle ranching is outgunned by climate change?

Faster horses

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
Cattle-ranching, as quintessential to America’s idea of itself as John Wayne and cowboy movies, will likely become a thing of the past as temperatures continue to rise. With the heat index above 120°F across many US states this summer – the kind of incredible temperatures that were normally associated with countries like Saudi Arabia – cattle deaths have been on the rise, according to Pew Climate.


In the past 33 days we have went from a high of 112 to this morning our low was 36...
Due to the obvious drop in temperatures as reported on this site, it is obvious cattle ranching will soon be a thing of the past. With temperatures in most racnhing spots expected to get at or below freezing it is a sure sign that things are coming to an end!
Yup. The bull still out with the cows looked at the thermometer dropping so quickly last night and and was heard to moan "it's no use but I might as well go along for the ride . . ." :lol:
The reports I read seemed to indicate the deaths as being mostly temperate climate breeds in feedlots, the high energy diets would have been a greated contributing factor than the genotype, but having a percentage heat tolerant genetics would contribute to better survival in the feedlots during hot spells. Half of the government feedlots in Rhodesia were in the southern cattle ranching regeon, most of the cattle being African Sanga or Bos Indicus breeds and crosses, we never suffered any large scale heat losses.
Well I won't worry about it give it ten years and will be in a ice age. Record high temps for my area were all set in the thirties sure once in awhile we break one but thats 80 years ago.

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