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And the survey says

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Survey Shows Libertarian Roots of the Tea Party

Washington, DC
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Cato Institute examined a new survey demonstrating the libertarian roots of the Tea Party. According to a Cato policy analysis, Tea Party members are united on economic issues, but divided on their approach to social issues.

David Kirby, vice president of FreedomWorks, and Emily Ekins, director of Polling at the Reason Foundation, discussed the results of their research, which shows that "roughly half the tea party is socially conservative, half libertarian -- or, fiscally conservative, but socially moderate to liberal." They contend that the Tea Party is asserting a strong libertarian influence on the Republican Party.

Responding to the discussion were: Jonathan Haidt, Thomas Cooley professor of ethical leadership at New York University; and Jonathan Rauch, guest scholar in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. John Samples, director of the Center for Representative Government at the Cato Institute, moderated the event

What is it Oldtimer keeps saying OH YEA "I'm the Libertarian Here"
So if that is true

Who's the ********* NOW?

SURVEY SAYS: OLDTIMER :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Now if I went to a Tea Party rally and looked over and saw ot I'd have to think "am I in the right place" or wonder if ot was gonna steal something or if he'd taken a bath.
hopalong said:
Are you saying oldtimer is a member of the OWS :wink:

With all the reports of Rape and Pillage going on in the OWS camps I'd have to say Oldtimer would probably fit in there better than at a Tea Party rally but then to Oldtimer their not Tea Partiers they are ********* so he might fit there too, only he and his true reputation down at the wateringhole would know. :wink:

I'm betting he is not part of the Libertarian Party that believes in SMALLER GOVERMENT IE the part involved in the TEA PARTY as it seems he likes that government tit, he is always spewing about, a little to much. :roll:
The Tea Party forgets and does not follow hardly any the Libertarian parties social platform of staying out of peoples lives , living and bed rooms...This is what is bringing more and more to the Libertaian thinking....
The Tea Party forgets

having been to an actual TEA party rally or two.. (ok at least a half dozen)...
and many actual meetings of the local and regional TEA party groups..

Stop funding and pushing social programs that are offensive is more the theme when it comes to those issues.. as both the funding,.. and pushing are costing obnoxious amounts of taxpayers money,.. and funding programs many find offensive..

I can say most are libertarian.. and just want the federal government to take it's fingers off the social scale..
Oldtimer said:
The Tea Party forgets and does not follow hardly any the Libertarian parties social platform of staying out of peoples lives , living and bed rooms...This is what is bringing more and more to the Libertaian thinking....

By what authority are you making these statements Oldtimer Rumor and Gossip or have you actually attended any kind of meeting that you might be able to voice a educated opinion? :?

I'm guessing you are like one of those on the street that Jimmy Kimmel asked who won the First Ladies Debate and they all declared Michelle Obama the winner. :roll:

Hint there is no First Ladies Debate Oldtimer. :wink:
ot doesn't know anything about the Tea Party other than what he reads from liberal rags. He gets so much wrong or lies about everything.

lib voters, don't know what the heck is going on but still have opinions. just like ot
Tam said:
Oldtimer said:
The Tea Party forgets and does not follow hardly any the Libertarian parties social platform of staying out of peoples lives , living and bed rooms...This is what is bringing more and more to the Libertaian thinking....

By what authority are you making these statements Oldtimer Rumor and Gossip or have you actually attended any kind of meeting that you might be able to voice a educated opinion? :?

I'm guessing you are like one of those on the street that Jimmy Kimmel asked who won the First Ladies Debate and they all declared Michelle Obama the winner. :roll:

Hint there is no First Ladies Debate Oldtimer. :wink:

OK Tam-- here is few of the Libertarian and Johnsons platform on social issues -- How many of these does the Tea Party and you who claim to be a Tea Partyier support...

Personal Relationships

Sexual orientation, preference, gender, or gender identity should have no impact on the government's treatment of individuals, such as in current marriage, child custody, adoption, immigration or military service laws. Government does not have the authority to define, license or restrict personal relationships. Consenting adults should be free to choose their own sexual practices and personal relationships.


Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.


America is a land of immigrants. Legal immigration should focus on making it easier and simpler for willing workers to come here with a temporary work visa, pay taxes, contribute to society, and fill jobs as the market demands.

Drug Policy Reform

Despite our best efforts at enforcement, education and interdiction, people continue to use and abuse illegal drugs.

The parallels between drug policy today and Prohibition in the 1920's are obvious, as are the lessons our nation learned. Prohibition was repealed because it made matters worse. Today, no one is trying to sell our kids bathtub gin in the schoolyard and micro-breweries aren't protecting their turf with machine guns. It's time to apply that thinking to marijuana. By making it a legal, regulated product, availability can be restricted, under-age use curtailed, enforcement/court/incarceration costs reduced, and the profit removed from a massive underground and criminal economy.

By managing marijuana like alcohol and tobacco – regulating, taxing and enforcing its lawful use – America will be better off.
The billions saved on marijuana interdiction, along with the billions captured as legal revenue, can be redirected against the individuals committing real crimes against society.

Government must be neutral on personal beliefs

WE ARE A NATION OF MANY PEOPLES and beliefs. The only way to respect all citizens is to allow each to make personal decisions themselves.

Life is precious and must be protected. A woman should be allowed to make her own decisions during pregnancy until the point of viability of a fetus.

Stem cell research should only be completed by private laboratories that operate without federal funding.

Government should not impose its values upon marriage. It should allow marriage equality, including gay marriage. It should also protect the rights of religious organizations to follow their beliefs.
Oldtimer said:
Tam said:
Oldtimer said:
The Tea Party forgets and does not follow hardly any the Libertarian parties social platform of staying out of peoples lives , living and bed rooms...This is what is bringing more and more to the Libertaian thinking....

By what authority are you making these statements Oldtimer Rumor and Gossip or have you actually attended any kind of meeting that you might be able to voice a educated opinion? :?

I'm guessing you are like one of those on the street that Jimmy Kimmel asked who won the First Ladies Debate and they all declared Michelle Obama the winner. :roll:

Hint there is no First Ladies Debate Oldtimer. :wink:

OK Tam-- here is few of the Libertarian and Johnsons social platform-- How many of these do the Tea Party and you who claim to be a Tea Partyier support...

Personal Relationships

Sexual orientation, preference, gender, or gender identity should have no impact on the government's treatment of individuals, such as in current marriage, child custody, adoption, immigration or military service laws. Government does not have the authority to define, license or restrict personal relationships. Consenting adults should be free to choose their own sexual practices and personal relationships.


Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.


America is a land of immigrants. Legal immigration should focus on making it easier and simpler for willing workers to come here with a temporary work visa, pay taxes, contribute to society, and fill jobs as the market demands.

Drug Policy Reform

Despite our best efforts at enforcement, education and interdiction, people continue to use and abuse illegal drugs.

The parallels between drug policy today and Prohibition in the 1920's are obvious, as are the lessons our nation learned. Prohibition was repealed because it made matters worse. Today, no one is trying to sell our kids bathtub gin in the schoolyard and micro-breweries aren't protecting their turf with machine guns. It's time to apply that thinking to marijuana. By making it a legal, regulated product, availability can be restricted, under-age use curtailed, enforcement/court/incarceration costs reduced, and the profit removed from a massive underground and criminal economy.

By managing marijuana like alcohol and tobacco – regulating, taxing and enforcing its lawful use – America will be better off.
The billions saved on marijuana interdiction, along with the billions captured as legal revenue, can be redirected against the individuals committing real crimes against society.

Government must be neutral on personal beliefs

WE ARE A NATION OF MANY PEOPLES and beliefs. The only way to respect all citizens is to allow each to make personal decisions themselves.

Life is precious and must be protected. A woman should be allowed to make her own decisions during pregnancy until the point of viability of a fetus.

Stem cell research should only be completed by private laboratories that operate without federal funding.

Government should not impose its values upon marriage. It should allow marriage equality, including gay marriage. It should also protect the rights of religious organizations to follow their beliefs.

First I unlike you have never claimed to be a Libertarian :wink:

As far as most of the bedroom crap you post I agree nobody should be in someone elses bedroom and that includes having to FUND WHAT IS GOING ON IN THAT BEDROOM. It you want to sleep around and not get Pregnant go down to the nearest Walmart and stock up on $9 birth control. If you are not smart enough to do that then get the guy in the bed with you to cough up for the abortion. If he can't afford or is not responsible enough to help you out of the mess the two of you made STAY OUT OF BED WITH HIM. :roll:

Funny how you and your buddies want everyone to be FREE to do what they want but yet you expect OTHERS TO PAY FOR IT. :roll:

As far as Gay marriage and legalizing drugs I believe these should be handled BY THE VOTERS IN EACH STATE. ANd the Federal government should actually concentrate on the Borders and securing them. Namely the South one where illegals are killing people left right and center. But then it might be easier to stop the killing if Obama/Holder's DOJ wasn't providing those illegals with the AK 47. :mad:

As a Legal Immigrant now citizen of Canada I believe the country needs to look at who they are letting into the country very carefully, as sometimes faster is not always better. And I also believe if jobs can be filled with CITIZENS then don't give an immigrant higher priority over the citizen. Our son's girlfriend, a very hard working young gal, lost her job last spring at the feedlot she was working at for the winter and the one that kept his job was a guy that had just immigrated to Canada. So again don't give those coming to a Country Priority over those born in the country. :roll:

Does that make me a Tea Partier I don't know but what I do support is their name and if you don't know what TEA stands for Oldtimer, it stands for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. :x
Tam said:
Oldtimer said:
Tam said:
By what authority are you making these statements Oldtimer Rumor and Gossip or have you actually attended any kind of meeting that you might be able to voice a educated opinion? :?

I'm guessing you are like one of those on the street that Jimmy Kimmel asked who won the First Ladies Debate and they all declared Michelle Obama the winner. :roll:

Hint there is no First Ladies Debate Oldtimer. :wink:

OK Tam-- here is few of the Libertarian and Johnsons social platform-- How many of these do the Tea Party and you who claim to be a Tea Partyier support...

Personal Relationships

Sexual orientation, preference, gender, or gender identity should have no impact on the government's treatment of individuals, such as in current marriage, child custody, adoption, immigration or military service laws. Government does not have the authority to define, license or restrict personal relationships. Consenting adults should be free to choose their own sexual practices and personal relationships.


Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.


America is a land of immigrants. Legal immigration should focus on making it easier and simpler for willing workers to come here with a temporary work visa, pay taxes, contribute to society, and fill jobs as the market demands.

Drug Policy Reform

Despite our best efforts at enforcement, education and interdiction, people continue to use and abuse illegal drugs.

The parallels between drug policy today and Prohibition in the 1920's are obvious, as are the lessons our nation learned. Prohibition was repealed because it made matters worse. Today, no one is trying to sell our kids bathtub gin in the schoolyard and micro-breweries aren't protecting their turf with machine guns. It's time to apply that thinking to marijuana. By making it a legal, regulated product, availability can be restricted, under-age use curtailed, enforcement/court/incarceration costs reduced, and the profit removed from a massive underground and criminal economy.

By managing marijuana like alcohol and tobacco – regulating, taxing and enforcing its lawful use – America will be better off.
The billions saved on marijuana interdiction, along with the billions captured as legal revenue, can be redirected against the individuals committing real crimes against society.

Government must be neutral on personal beliefs

WE ARE A NATION OF MANY PEOPLES and beliefs. The only way to respect all citizens is to allow each to make personal decisions themselves.

Life is precious and must be protected. A woman should be allowed to make her own decisions during pregnancy until the point of viability of a fetus.

Stem cell research should only be completed by private laboratories that operate without federal funding.

Government should not impose its values upon marriage. It should allow marriage equality, including gay marriage. It should also protect the rights of religious organizations to follow their beliefs.

First I unlike you have never claimed to be a Libertarian :wink:

So now that Tam decided as a Tea Partyier she is not tolerant of individual liberties enough to be a Libertarian-- how many of the rest of you so-called Tea Party folks are tolerant enough and have enough of a live and let live, stay out of individuals lives attitude to agree with the Libertarian social platform... :???:

The Cato Institute examined a new survey demonstrating the libertarian roots of the Tea Party. According to a Cato policy analysis, Tea Party members are united on economic issues, but divided on their approach to social issues.

David Kirby, vice president of FreedomWorks, and Emily Ekins, director of Polling at the Reason Foundation, discussed the results of their research, which shows that "roughly half the tea party is socially conservative, half libertarian -- or, fiscally conservative, but socially moderate to liberal." They contend that the Tea Party is asserting a strong libertarian influence on the Republican Party.

I hope it is true- that the Libertarians influence on the Repubs take them back to be the party they were that wanted to stay out of peoples business- both in our country and around the world...BUT from what I see- it is actually the opposite happening within the party..
Life is precious and must be protected. A woman should be allowed to make her own decisions during pregnancy until the point of viability of a fetus.
tolerant enough and have enough of a live and let live,

That, without a doubt is HYPOCRISY.

Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.

Government is NOT kept out of the matter with the current administration's rule that women making $90,000.00 per year will have free - Gov't Paid - abortions.
Life is precious and must be protected. A woman should be allowed to make her own decisions during pregnancy until the point of viability of a fetus.

we tried that,.. and ended up with late term abortion and house of horror abortion clinics..

Stem cell research should only be completed by private laboratories that operate without federal funding.

dang,.. he is downright talaban compared to Bush's position.. (sarcasm)

Government should not impose its values upon marriage. It should allow marriage equality, including gay marriage. It should also protect the rights of religious organizations to follow their beliefs.

yep.. we saw how that worked out.. now we have gays suing organizations for discrimination..

Gay married couple sues Catholic hospital for denying spousal ...

Gay Marriage Forced On Church's Ocean Grove, a United Methodist Church in New Jersey, was successfully sued by a lesbian couple for not allowing them to be married on Ocean Grove's grounds.

he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints · Evangelical & ... Ministers who preach against same-sex marriages may be sued for hate ...

Massachusetts Gay Couple Sues Church

Kansas law would force churches to host same-sex 'weddings ...

Gay Couple Sues Catholic Diocese

The gay marriage bill in the Washington State Legislature specifically claims to ... All those churches could be sued

Gay couple says church denied

Gay Lawsuits Target Bed and Breakfasts, Churches Nationwide

yes, we now understand how "that works" .... as a libertarian you let them have their way, and then they force their way on you...

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