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another beautiful day on the o'dell

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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ennis, montana
temps got into the mid 50's and the sky was beautiful....coming home with the daughter, I could not help but stop and take a few pix of the new babies...well...at least the ones that would stop running long enough for the camera to "click"!! :lol:




baby "Hope"!!!

remember Anne??? Well, this is Anne's baby!!!

the end of a long day in the field!!

things are beginning to green up!!! :D :D :D
Thanks for the very nice pics Ranchwife. It'll be another month or so before we starting foaling. Hope's pretty dang cute, as are the other babies.

We're trying to green up, but it's slow.

Have a wonderful week, and thanks again for sharing.


TTB :wink:
Nice Pics Ranchwife! Cut calves and good looking cows!
Thats one of the cutest foals i have seen in a while, mind you i havent seen any foals for about a year! But its adoreible!

Already out in the fields? Ours are still liek 3 feet under snow!
Enjoyed your pics RW...we won't see green grass for awhile,then the three snows on the crows back story...so ya awhile :?
Three snows on a crow's back? I thought it was three more snows after the first mountain gopher comes out!
Looks like all yur babies were enjoying the sunshine...I think I saw a couple of green blades of grass trying to poke up in my lawn today! Got to git after hubby to tune up the ole rider mower....Thanks for your pictures.
Great baby pics! Hope is adorable, and Anne's calf makes me think so much of Al's Tillie, when she was a baby...........

No babies here for us yet, but some of the neighbors are gettin a few. And the filerie has been blooming the last couple of weeks, so we're gettin in good shape! Cold as a witch's heart here this morning, first time we've had a fire in a week or longer.....and it feels good! :lol:
Great pictures!!! My hubby will be envious if he sees you are farming already... Ranchwife, what will you be planting? Good calves and the colt is darling... Don't have any this year :cry: But will next year...
Beautiful country........
Thanks for the kind words, Ranchwife asked me to answer you so here goes. I'm cutting the wheat back to about 130 acres and planting all my flood irrigated ground to grass-alfalfa mix and planting another 130 acres under the pivot to straight alfalfa. I haven't had very good luck raising grain(I'm a pretty lousy farmer) besides with alot of ground being taken out of hay and planted back to grain maybe the hay prices will come up to where a feller can make a living. It will also give me a little more grass in the fall.

Sure nice to get started on the farming early like this. Last year the frost didn't even come out of the ground until April.

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