To whom it may concern:
Please take it easy on my kid "southdevon" he is only 11, and he can get pretty rowdy, I have read some of his comments. You all have a responsibility as representing Canadian Cattlemen and Cattlewomen, by getting so vile you aren't doing an exempilary job. Thankyou.
Hmmm? Now look at the posts his 11 yr. old son posted!
Anybody else know an 11 yr. old?
FRASERCATTLE, don't think you can come on here and attack with lies, you will be challenged. And that's for the personal attack on me! We all get a little hot under the collar sometimes on here, but be "man" enough to be truthful!
Quotes from an 11 yr. old!
1)I guess what i just want to know is what everyone thinks about this issue, what they think we should do to improve our status, and any other input. I am writing a paper with your input and suggestions, names WILL NOT BE MENTIONED, unless you request it.
2)Great, you guys post fast, i need opinions, blow off some steam if you want to, i need all angles. Personally, i am a member of R-CALF, and the MCA, and i need this input to have a non-bias view on this subject and learn more from a different perspective
3)Ok, good thread, keeping it alive by asking this:
4)If canada's quality control is so good, and they're government involvement is second to none why are the only cases of BSE reported in the US from canadian cattle, and why are canidian feedlots, and feeders still feeding animal by-products? You must clean the leaves out of the raingutter before the water will flow. STOP feeding animal by-products, and test, quarintene, and eliminate possible threats to the canidian food supply, and the american food supply.
4)The people that will benefit from the lowered cost of prescription drugs are the senior citizens, if i recall, they put up with raising and lowering cattle prices, canadian beef imports, and the depression, and now when they might not have social security in a couple of years, you are going to post a comment like that?!?! GROW UP
I will interject some opinions every now and then to get a stimulus out of people, that makes for good views. If you think my head is in the sand, tell me where the cattle in confirmed cases of BSE in the US originated from, and why in a recent test of alberta, and BC feedlots did inspectors still find feeders that are using animal by-products? I am not blabbing about rcalf or anything, i want to know!
6)Manitoba Rancher:
The person that founded R-CALF is a very close friend of mine, I was sitting in his office when he wrote up the plan on a piece of paper, and showed it to my dad, several other people and I. The basic priciples of r-calf are detailed in their website, and the scewed views that all of the press releases, most notably NCBA reports say, are results of politicans pushing their agendas, and flowing through loopholes, the main goal of R-CALF is not to kill the Canadian cattle producer, but give the american cattle producer a voice loud enough to shout over the packers, the same packer that have been railing you for the past 15 years. R-CALF is setting an example for other beef industries, and the screaming is coming from special interest groups, lobbiest's, and packers because they are the ant under the magnifiying glass now, not the producers. Teddy Roosevelt said "Walk softly and carry a big stick." We have had enough of walking softly, and now we are using our sti ...
7)Yes I am an r-calf member, but i did not hide it, nor did i hide my name. I am proud of it, but i also like to hear the other side of the story. As for calling me an embarrasment, hmmmm. Well, there is no reason for mud-slinging, i just like a good debate, and i dont like it when people say things about people they do not know. That is very ignorant, please do not continue to do that. I have a open mind, and i can think for myself, i just choose to think differently than you, is that a bad thing?
8)yes, those are unconfirmed rumors that have been floating around and i wanted to hear some input
9)Yes I live in montana, and I am an "R-calf SoB" and i am proud to be one. Just because i am a member of R-CALF does not mean i cannot see the truth, but in this heated battle there are 2 types of truth, ours and yours. I know the people who talk about R-CALF, MCA, etc. and I have known them for a long time. Why would i believe you over them
10)Ok, you guys are getting out of line, I believe this could qualify as liable/slander. You talk about people you do not know, things you have no idea about and just rant and rave like a bunch of idiots. Maybe talk to these people, or research the topic before sputtering out random sentence fragments and making you look like a bunch of fools. If you feel this way, send Leo or bill a letter saying this, and if you don't have the goods to do that, then shut it. Also, these GOOD men have the courage, and forethought to get off their ass and do something about their problems, and the problems of their friends, and all you guys can say is derogatory remarks. Wow, not much insight, or intellect here
11)Hat, you are correct, these people are actually trying to tell you that R-CALF is bad for the US cattle producer. Coming from a canadian, i just dont think they know what R-CALF has done for us, nut they sure as hell want it to stop, so they can have a piece of our pie! Why don't the canadians just try and help themselves, and quit bitching about how uncle sam wont help them. US is our country, and in it we come first. Canada sould help itself and quit whining to us.
12)Well, i havent seen and trucks with canadian cattle going by my door, which used to be all of the time. So i would say life on the front lines is good for now.
13)well, if the border was closed at the time that damn downer (CANADIAN) cow was found in washington, we would still be trading with japan, and global demand would still be high. Anyway, the border is closed, we can control the spread of disease in OUR country, and there are still countries that want our beef. Result : American prices are high, Canadian prices are low. I think you hae it backwards
14)Well, I asked for it and i got it. I wanted the other side of the story and much to my dismay, it is like my father says. We are right, and you guys are just whiners. Im sorry. I have all i need. I wont bother this AG CANADA forum anymore. But stop picking on my friends, it really p***** me off. If you dont, i will tell them to come on here, and your whining and rhetoric wont last. OK?
15)If all canadians are like you guys, no one would want to live there. Im done, wont see me anymore BYE