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Any Idea's what this is coming out of the Vulva of our cow?

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Apr 30, 2008
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hi, this is our 2nd with cows & calving. Our 2 cows are due today 4-30-08. What would you call this bubble coming out of her vulva? this has been there since 4-25-08. You can only see it when she is laying down. It goes back in when she stands. she is eating, drinking, & going to the bathroom. she is not hurting or any thing like that. Any ideas? this is her 2nd calf, she did not do this with the first. Hubby said let mother nature take her course.



That is her vaginal wall being exposed through the vulva. It is a product of being heavy in calf in her case. Do not worry about it, it will no longer be an issue after she calves.
i kind of always figure after the first time you see that she will usually calve in 7 to 10 days....thats just from my expierence
We've had them do that before too. Not much to worry about unless it doesn't go back in. When that happens I just chase them around the corral a few times and it goes back in.
When that happens and they don't go back in, they sometimes get stitched up. But when they wean their calf I just chase them around until they go on the truck. :wink:
Sorry all, that is a vaginal prolapse that is actually the bladder underneath the vagina, a heriditary defect......goes well in Herefords, manly polled though. Start culling!

My cows only do that when heavy in calf.....and esp if they are well fed girls to start with!!! Most of my cows are FAT....and you see that with FAT cows more often.

Not an issue. When she calves it should go away. I'd not worry about it UNLESS the whole mess comes out after she calves....which chances are it won't.

Rule #1 with cows....don't go hunt extra things to worry about...enough will find you!! :lol: :lol:
Not normal and yes, something to worry about! If it stays out its a vaginal prolapse. The chances are greater that the "whole mess comes out after she calves"...if not this year, the next. I know from experience!!!

Hope she calves without complication, let her raise the calf, then sell both and any progeny from her. And please sell her as a kill cow...don't pass this problem on to someone else. I've had that experience too from PB breeders!!!
kolanuraven said:
My cows only do that when heavy in calf.....and esp if they are well fed girls to start with!!! Most of my cows are FAT....and you see that with FAT cows more often.

Not an issue. When she calves it should go away. I'd not worry about it UNLESS the whole mess comes out after she calves....which chances are it won't.


This is the correct answer.........
This is NOT a vaginal prolapse.

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