Obama visits and praised Green energy company Solyndra plant in California as being the future of the US.
What Happen Oldtimer Jingy, Bullhauler, or anyone other liberal that would like to TRY defend your losers record on economics?
Who is Obama going to Blame for this, Bush had nothing to do with this issue? But guess who did?
And as Obama said when he left Biden in Charge . Nobody messes with JOE. :wink:
OR maybe Joe can be messed with, since one of Obama's big campaign donors was heavily invested in the company. SUPPORTER PAY BACK AGAIN :?
What played a roll in this Bankruptcy?
And who just sent jobs to China, no other than GE's CEO Jeffery Immelt. Yes that's right the Obama Job Creation Chairman is sending US jobs to China. I guess Obama forgot to tell Immelt the jobs he was to be creating were suppose to be IN THE US. But don't worry Immelt will not be paying any more taxes on his GE Profits when Obama slaps a higher tax on the Billionaires and Millionaires as Jeffery is investing his GE profits in foreign banks to protect it from the US tax rates.
BTW It sure was comforting to hear Immelt escorted Michelle to Barak's little "Made in the US" speech. Wonder if Mr China was listening to the speech or just ignoring him like the rest of his party does when he speaks about civility. Gee maybe he was making faces at him like Joe was. :?
Any comments to defend this?
He then gives them over $500 million of tax payer backed loans. Does the story stop there NO. Solyndra is raided by the FBI and has filed for bankrupcy, just over a year later. $535 million down the drain and what does the US have to show for it? a BANKRUPT COMPANY and 900 more on unemployment. Shovel Ready wasn't so Shovel Ready and Solyndra is no longer the future of the US well unless Bankruptcy is the future of the US. :roll:“It’s here that companies like Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future,” Mr. Obama said
What Happen Oldtimer Jingy, Bullhauler, or anyone other liberal that would like to TRY defend your losers record on economics?
Who is Obama going to Blame for this, Bush had nothing to do with this issue? But guess who did?
The company’s bankruptcy petition came two years after Energy Secretary Stephen Chu and Vice President Joseph R. Biden announced approval of $535 million in federal loans to Solyndra.
“This announcement today is part of the unprecedented investment this administration is making in renewable energy and exactly what the Recovery Act is all about,” Mr. Biden said.
And as Obama said when he left Biden in Charge . Nobody messes with JOE. :wink:
OR maybe Joe can be messed with, since one of Obama's big campaign donors was heavily invested in the company. SUPPORTER PAY BACK AGAIN :?
What played a roll in this Bankruptcy?
Solyndra, which was launched in 2005, last week shed more than 900 full-time employees, leaving just a “core group” of 113 employees, according to bankruptcy records. The price for solar panels has dropped by more than 40 percent, in part because of heavy competition from Chinese companies.
And who just sent jobs to China, no other than GE's CEO Jeffery Immelt. Yes that's right the Obama Job Creation Chairman is sending US jobs to China. I guess Obama forgot to tell Immelt the jobs he was to be creating were suppose to be IN THE US. But don't worry Immelt will not be paying any more taxes on his GE Profits when Obama slaps a higher tax on the Billionaires and Millionaires as Jeffery is investing his GE profits in foreign banks to protect it from the US tax rates.
BTW It sure was comforting to hear Immelt escorted Michelle to Barak's little "Made in the US" speech. Wonder if Mr China was listening to the speech or just ignoring him like the rest of his party does when he speaks about civility. Gee maybe he was making faces at him like Joe was. :?
Any comments to defend this?