You seem to be happier today, maybe because it quit snowing? I left for a while, maybe that was it, I was racing my pickup in town at the Diesel Show. I had fun, and I am sure in a good mood.
That's good, unlike some that have the same opinions all the time, I am open minded and react to the material that is sent my way. I will deflect with what is thrown. Throw truth, I will too. Throw poop and you will get that back in buckets! but thanks for noticing my change in attitude! It's all relative!
If I come to Ontario, or you to Montana we should have a beer, and a long debate. That being said, you better come down here, my new pickup with the R-CALF sticker in the window will get vandilized if it goes to canada.
I agree with the majority, murgen!!! good to hear from you on the coffee shop!! hate always having to come to the bull session to read your words of wisdom kind of curious, though!! when you said it was "all relative", you have me wondering if there is a hidden "meaning"...what? did a rich in-law or uncle or long lost brother die and leave you everything?? :wink: you know...."relative" :wink: