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Auburn Uni-Dr. Vodyanoy Prions Metal nanoclusters New Paper

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Feb 11, 2005
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Home on the Range, Alberta
At last, Dr. Vitaly Vodyanoy of Auburn University in Alabama, has published.

The report entitled:

"Novel Metal Clusters Isolated from Blood are Lethal to Cancer Cells"

Earlier, I posted information regarding his patent application which outlines how to find and amplify "proteons" from blood.

"Proteons form by reversible seeded aggregation of proteins around proteon nucleating centers (PNCs). PNCs are comprised of 1 to 2 nm metallic nanoclusters containing 40-300 atoms."

Published in "Cells, Tissues, Organs 2005; 179: 115-124", a co-operative effort with others from Auburn University and the Scott-Ritchey Center; the doctors exposed various types of cultured cancer cells to these PNCs. Results showed marked death of the cancer cells, while noncancerous cells were much less affected.

Proteins such as hemoglobin, or fragments thereof, are captured by these metal clusters. Just as stated in his patent application, the growth (or amplification) of proteons cannot take place without the PNCs.

"Proteons could not be produced from the retentate until an aliquot of the filtrate (being the PNCs) was added back, and proteon production was dependent on the amount of filtrate added. Interestingly, proteons could be produced in this manner even after the filtrate was carbonized at 660C, but production was quenched by 10 mM EDTA, a metal-chelating agent."

This discovery, that treatment of the PNCs to such high temperatures ie: 660C, is co-incidently similar to the ability of prions to remain inductive of disease (or as Prusiner choose to call this "infectious") at extremely high temperatures.

The contamination of our blood with metals, PNCs, "nanoclusters of metals" is certainly not infection.

Now, we need to ask - where did these metals come from? why are they floating around in our blood in the manner they are? are some of these PNCs defending us from cancer or other diseases? are some types of these PNCs inducing disease?

A whole new ball game has begun in neurodegenerative and cancer research. I am also glad to see that Vodyanoy has referenced Dr. David Brown at Bath Univ. in the UK. Dr. Brown is a long-time researcher in the prion field. Much of his work deals with oxidative stress damage and effects on enzyme activity in the brain.

The following is the abstract from Dr. Vitaly Vodyanoy's paper:


Unfolding and subsequent aggregation of proteins is a common phenomenon that is linked to many human disorders. Misfolded hemoglobin is generally manifested in various autoimmune, infectious and inherited diseases. We isolated micrometer and submicrometer particles, termed proteons, from human and animal blood. Proteons lack nucleic acids but contain two major polypeptide populations with homology to the hemoglobin -chain. Proteons form by reversible seeded aggregation of proteins around proteon nucleating centers (PNCs). PNCs are comprised of 1- to 2-nm metallic nanoclusters containing 40-300 atoms. Each milliliter of human blood contained approximately 7 × 1013 PNCs and approximately 3 × 108 proteons. Exposure of isolated blood plasma to elevated temperatures increased the number of proteons. When an aliquot of this heated plasma was introduced into untreated plasma that was subsequently heated, the number of proteons further increased, reaching a maximum after a total of three such iterations. Small concentrations of PNCs were lethal to cultured cancer cells, whereas noncancerous cells were much less affected.

Copyright © 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

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