I like tapping into all the differnt folks opinions that post the ranch page,and I was wondering how you market your calve crop,I try to early ween all my calves,TX weather almost demands it.Back ground them till they are 8 weight,then to local sale barns,make use of all the home grown feed I can,usually good cane type hays,"Red top ,hybrid sorgum sudans etc.and a simple ration of milled grains from the local mill that tests about 30% natural protein,give em the required shots and band em when they are about 6 weight,I keep it pretty simple.I used to have cotton seed milled, and delivered in bulk mix it up here at the place with tub grinder,have a few old recipe mixes but I believe I do better just letting the folks at the mill do it.What do you think?................good luck PS yes my calves are good enough to sell on the grid,that's a completely differnt story for the "bull session''.