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bale processor feeders


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Alberta
has anyone on here used one of these type of feeders

if so, what is your feedback?

Happy New Years to all
hayguy said:
has anyone on here used one of these type of feeders

if so, what is your feedback?

Happy New Years to all

What is the point, why not just drop the roll in there and let the cows do the work, I'd be surprised if even 50% of that hay makes it into the cows gut. A lot blows around from the processor and that loose hay would just fall out easily above the bottom skirt and get stood on and wasted. I think I'd either use a thin windrow out in the pasture or pile it so you can mix different quality of hays then scoop it into one of those wagon feeders if you really need to use the processor.
I have a NDE big tub grinder.....looking at picture my grinder would not feed into it......so lets see ....pull that trailer from field ......grind feed....dump on slab.....scoop up...in front end loader....dump in trailer...haul back out to the field...way to much trouble ...when I can just go down the feed trough with grinder ....yes it spreads the manure across the field......but do not see what else it would do
Stationary Bale Feeders looks like they would cause a lot of trouble the cows will loosing the soil around the feeder.... and when you drive by to refill...you will need a 4 x 4 tractor during the freeze and thaw time here in Missouri....what do you do if they only eat 3/4 of yesterdays feed ...add more hay or move feeder then fill
I think that the usability of this feeder depends on the kind of hay you put in it. If you are putting whole bales in it looks like it would work good, except cattle would have trouble reaching the last of the bale. If you are grinding hay into it I think there are way better options available.
The local feed store sells the same type of feeder made by a different company. They work well for bales, not sure how much would be pulled out if processed and fluffy.
We have a feeder kind of like that but we put full bales inside it. The one thing that we do is move the feeder around to different locations each time we feed. Make them clean up what's left. No matter how you feed,either whole bales or processing the feed into one your still going to have waste. I could see that working for cattle that are short on teeth being able to get the hay pulled out rather than in a full bale. We have a kingman bale processor which we feed on the ground and they waste some of they hay but the still pick most of it up.
My first question would be why do you need the feeder and is it the only or least expensive way to solve a feed problem? Quickly followed by how much does the hay cost to buy in your country? Do you have some poor land you could bale graze on so you could save time, fuel, build soil with the stuff we call waste? And how much does the feeder cost and will it ever be paid for before it needs to be replaced? Hope this helps.

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