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Ban Overturned

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Topper said:

The R-Calf followers will continue to see their money pissed away on lawsuits that they will continue to lose. Facts, not R-Half, will win out everytime.
I would think that if Canadian cattle producers where a vengeful bunch they could sue the pants off R-calf. After all they have caused a lot of damage with this wrongful injunction.
Rumour has it that R-Cull will soon host a large picnic for all members (associate and otherwise) with the objective of raising fiunds for further frivolous financial follies. The refreshment committee voted unanimously(as did the appellate court) to serve Kool Aid. The health safety and enviroment committee strongly urges all members to bring copiuous quantities of sunscreen on account of so many heads being out in the sun again after being so cleverly concealed for the past couple of years. Please make out your cheques prior to Kool Aid consumption.
Actually, I have talked to a lot of Canadian ranchers who would have prefered that the border stay closed to live exports. Our government would then have been forced to let us go after the market in Japan.
Now, the US can open their border and use that as pressure for everyone else to import tainted american beef.
At least the court of appeals has demonstrated that Cebull was indeed bought off, and r-calf is stupid.
redriver...you get a wheelbarrow full of cash and lure Cebull over the border, and I'll take a leg bone off of one of the cows that had to be shot because of poor prices, and knock him out with it.:twisted: We'll let R-CALF sit and wonder in the courtroom, where their saviour is on the 27th. :D
Aaron said:
redriver...you get a wheelbarrow full of cash and lure Cebull over the border, and I'll take a leg bone off of one of the cows that had to be shot because of poor prices, and knock him out with it.:twisted: We'll let R-CALF sit and wonder in the courtroom, where their saviour is on the 27th. :D

Aaron, I had something way more painful in mind for that crook. :D
Aaron and Redriver you guys better be careful, the Feds are watching our every move. Insinuating that you would harm an hounoured member of the Yankee legal system. For shame. The big scary Americans might come over the 49th and use the Patriot Act to spirit you guys away.

It would seem that all the money given to R-Calf would be much better used in a different way now. How about buying stocks in the evil multinationals and taking a piece of their profit?
Land Rover Defender
" an hounoured member of the Yankee legal system."

Cebull isn't "honoured" by anyone but r-cult, and they only honour him with bribes.

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