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barb wire bracket

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Mar 28, 2007
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North Carolina
I saw in a ranching mag. a while back a company advertised they had designed a stainless steel bracket you thread barb wire through for metal and wood post. I can't find this company now. Any help in located this company would be appreciated. :D
I'm thinking it nails to wood post, kinda clamps on steel---and has a pin and clevis arrangement, like black Gallagher insulators----so you can let wire down...?
Spanish Johhny said:
Good idea but needs to be improved. I don't like the nail as a pin. I can see that popping off some how ending up in a rumen. Make it a much longer pin or tether it ($$$) some how?
I like HT smooth wire.....

Might work to bend the nail so it cant pop out,kinda be a pain to remove fast though
Spanish Johhny

Joined: 30 Jul 2013
Posts: 44
Location: where the deer and the antelope play AB CA
New postPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:33 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Good idea but needs to be improved. I don't like the nail as a pin. I can see that popping off some how ending up in a rumen.
Put a slight bend in the nail it will stay in but you can still get it out if you need to
jodywy said:
Forest service used to use 3 staples for a drop fence 2 in the post on for a pin

That's all we've ever done for barbed wire, no point in reinventing the wheel for that application.

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