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Been wet here lately


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
SW Alberta
Just like many on here the rain gauge is getting a work out.

Not sure if I like living in the rain belt. Sure is different than the drought that we are used to and will probably be complaining about in 3 weeks.

Nowhere for the water to go.

A place called High River should have high bridges as well.


Everywhere you look.

This couple are enjoying all that the water has to offer.

My cows are growing duck feet.

Need a little sunshine to get back at this project.

Another of our fine feathered friends enjoying the bounty of rising worms.

Last soggy photo before the drought.
Sometimes a guy should specify just how much water you need. I think you mentioned a little rain would be nice a couple of weeks back. :wink:

At least you have grass Per, you could be like here and still have it in short supply.
I heard that High River was evacuated ,don't know how accurate that is as my internet was down and then my lap top died. Too bad the water hasn't made it up North ,fires are still burning . :???:

Your area looks very wet Per, hope you get a break soon and all that rain doesn't wash away the crops .
A few vulnerable areas of High River flooded. Nothing that hasn't happened before, just different surprised folks. On day the train bridge will get pushed into the car bridge. I think that is why we all go to have a look. The high school kids got a workout sandbagging. Cops harassed them for riding in the back of the trucks between stops. Didn't go over well with those fighting the water. :mad: Cop backed off. :roll: Okotoks also had some flooding problems. (different river) Rain has stopped for now and a north wind has blown the smoke down.

For sure some crop damage but things look better with the sun. Enough water to damage the legumes as well. Frost in the forecast could beat up the canola crops.

If it was easy everyone would be doing it. :wink:
I would love to have that water down here. A good overflow on the old Trinity would fill up all the cracks we have. The guys I have been grazing calves for are moving thier calves out because of no grass left. We had 5.5 inches of rain about 2 weeks ago, but it was gone into the ground before you could see it. They said on the radio the other day its been the driest spring since 1895 across the state. I sure hope that TD in the gulf moves our way.
WWOOOHHHOOOOO so far we have gotten
Rainfall1.57 in and there is still a bit more of the storm to go by us.
I went out a bit ago and Holly kept shaking the rain off and snorting LOLOLOLOL poor thing dont like water. Just took the dogs out and there is standing water in the corral and my poor baby is standing with her head down looking so sad.
Shoer has to get a few days off to build the run in.

I am just dancing around enjoying getting wet. I pray its enough to save the hay crop. I know grass will grow and the animals wil be fine in a couple days.
Maybe people will be in a better mood tomorrow.
yall south of me sending prayers for your rain...........
Dang, that's a lot of water. If your rain gauge is getting wore out I'll lend you mine. All I ask is that when you're done with it you send it back with water in it. :?
My heart goes out to all of you that are suffering through a drought. Would never wish that on my worst enemy, it can sure test a persons faith .

Per ,did you get that frost Sat and Sun that was forecasted ? It missed us but some places around here got to -4 c .That can be pretty hard to take for some legumes.
No HD it got down to 0. No damage. I drove past your country today. Wet pretty much all the way to Ponoka. Met some guys from Picture Butte there. Corn down south a bit of a mess, no heat units and too much wet. Silver I would gladly share a little water with you if it were possible.
Wow thats alot of rain for western Canada.
Here in the midwest we are finally drying out. Today was the first day I did not have myself covered with mud or manure. Seems like i have been swiming in manure most the the winter until today June 3. Six months. Haying is just going on now usually everyone is finshed by June 20th. The grass has matured the past two weeks and has grown more than a foot in that time. IF this north rain water reaches the Missouri or Mississpi Rivers in the past two weeks expect more news about flooding in the south river channels.
As for drought west Texas, NM and Colorado the cow traders are enjoying making money with your cows here. The sad part is sooner or later those Texas cows will be mixed with the Flordia trader cows here.
A friend that moved here from west Texas recalls putting out range fires
he claims its so bad they finally got one fire out and a jack rabbit came out of a hole on fire and started it all over again. :)

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