Barry Alvarez to talk to Delany about Meyer
Posted on: February 2, 2012 6:08 pm
by Tom Fornelli
Earlier on Thursday we went over the first stage of lost recruit grief when writing about how Wisconsin's Bret Bielema and Michigan State's Mark Dantonio were upset with Urban Meyer and his recruiting tactics.
Well, we've now reached the second stage: run to the principal's office.
Apparently airing his grievances wasn't enough for Bielema, as the Sporting News' Matt Hayes wrote on Thursday night that Wisconsin athletic director Barry Alvarez would be talking to Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany about Meyer on Friday in Chicago.
“We at the Big Ten don’t want to be like the SEC -- in any way, shape or form," Bielema told Hayes.
The jokes are just too easy with that remark, even if Bielema was only referring to recruiting.
Honestly, though, what else can you do but laugh at all of this? These are supposed to be grown men, yet they're acting more immaturely than the high school kids they're fighting over to begin with.
If you don't want Urban Meyer or any other coach coming in to "steal" your recruits, then recruit the kid harder. Sell him on your program so hard that when Meyer does come around that kid will tell him "no thanks." Don't go running to your conference commissioner and hope he'll force Meyer to stop so it makes your job easier.