cracker hand said:
Does the fact that a horse has blue eyes mean anything? Are they light sensitive? Is it something that should be avoided? Are they more susceptible for eye ailments?
Thanks for any input
Yes. Yes. Yes. * And Yes.
*However, we have owned horses with a blue eye and got along
fine. Sometimes it helps to paint a black circle around the hair
by the white eye to help with light sensitivity.
Unless I really liked the horse for some reason, I'd not buy
a horse with a blue eye. But I wouldn't say I NEVER would
buy a horse with a blue eye, either.
If you are talking pink skin, a white horse and blue eyes
(called an Albino) they can be blind, deaf or not affected.
One blue-eyed paint horse than has won major shows
is deaf. Here's a link to that individual. "Gunner" aka Colonels
Smoking Gun. A high percentage of
his offspring are also deaf.
Scroll down to the article:
Equine Genetic Deafness
Here's a video. He 's really a cool horse/outstanding athlete.
Hope this helps.