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BMR ??

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2005
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........... Say BMR,how does a big canuckle head like you get a good looking Lady like this?...............good luck
ranchwife said:
what a good looking couple!!!! she looks very happy and content....in my own opinion!! :wink:

I agree ranchwife they do make a good looking couple,fine folks..............good luck
That was a lovely posting. But when did Haymaker see BMR?
(Have to say here for the nurses, whenever I see BMR's name I think Basal Metabolic Rate!)
Big Muddy rancher said:
It took you long enough to find that pic as I posted that site last winter.
Did you read any history about the Big Muddy?

Yes I been reading about the outlaws hiding in the caves ,lots of history around the BIG MUDDY,if I ever get in a position to take a vacation I might have to check it out...................good luck
Haymaker, lots of history and great scenery, cattle are good too, so when you come up, let me know I'll come out to meet you and we can pick out some good ones for you to take back. Nothing like those hardy Canadian genetics to do well in Texas!
nr said:
That was a lovely posting. But when did Haymaker see BMR?
(Have to say here for the nurses, whenever
I see BMR's name I think Basal Metabolic Rate!)

What are the symptoms of this disease nr,it dont make you slow witted ?does it :wink: .................good luck

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