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They do look very nicely made, and even appear to be similar to the Blucher boots of years ago.

We each got a pair of those way back when we thought we would get our moneys' worth out of them, at least 50 years ago, maybe 55. Mine are in pretty good shape, since I've not been able to get them on due problems with an ankle. And I'm afraid to put them on since I got the artificial ankle. It doesn't hurt and I want to keep it that way! Shorty's wore out a few years ago, and he wore them just 'for good' for many years, then for riding. We still feel we got a good value.

AND.......what does it cost to hire a cowboy for a month these days???? I'm pretty sure those Bluchers cost us a months' wages, maybe more, but I don't recall the price, and wages were under $200.00 per month for us at the time.

I will admit we still care for our things. No wearing boots without overshoes when it is muddy or snowy! It is a little painful to see people walking through ankle deep and even deeper mud in 'unprotected' boots!

I will also confess that we appreciate good quality, hand crafted things.........and some people just aren't that impressed with craftsmanship..........and neither attitude is better nor worse than the other, imo.

Guess i don't wear a pair of boots for "Good" enough anymore.
Maybe when I was going to lots of meeting for Stockgrowers they would have been nice but I just don't leave the place that much anymore.
BMr, I understand about not wearing favorite or newer boots 'for good' anymore. People just don't 'dress up' or make it a special occasion when they go to public events, even to church or other special events anymore. Women are more likely to than men, it seems. Guess we females need the excuse to buy new clothes often enough to keep us happy.

Shorty remembers a time, not so many years ago, when at least older men like his father and another older rancher in the country were the last to wear their suit and 'good boots and hat' to go watch a sale at the local sale barn! His dad was born in 1903, and that may have been in the '50s or early '60s.

Hope all are getting a break in the weather like west central SD is this week! We saw 50% in Rapid City yesterday afternoon!


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