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BSE link to different CJD Types

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How many forms of CJD are connected to BSE?

OT: Perhaps you should further use your "investigative" training to furnish the REST of THE STORY. The only way these mouse studies can provide results like posted are for the mice to be deliberately Intra-cerebul injected with concentrated doses of BSE infected prions. These doses are far above what any animal can naturally ingest and represent extreme conditions that do not naturally occur!
reader (the Second) said:
cowsense said:
OT: Perhaps you should further use your "investigative" training to furnish the REST of THE STORY. The only way these mouse studies can provide results like posted are for the mice to be deliberately Intra-cerebul injected with concentrated doses of BSE infected prions. These doses are far above what any animal can naturally ingest and represent extreme conditions that do not naturally occur!

I advocate ceasing using lab animals to test medicines and shampoos since clearly these lab conditions are not natural. Let's test everything on human subjects instead, and we can do TSE research on humans too. :???:

Great you can start with the R-Calfers.. I,m sure OT would jump at the opportunity to prove it once and for all. :lol:
reader (the Second) said:
frenchie said:
Oldtimer said:
How many forms of CJD are connected to BSE?


More theories and speculation. OT

Frenchie - were you aware that all of modern science is theories and speculation. And get this -- gasp -- we teach theories and speculation in our colleges and universities and even down in the high schools and elementary schools. It's called SCIENCE. There's natural science (which this is), physical science, social science and all of them are full with theories and speculation. OMG

I,m very much aware of that...However speculation or theory does not necessarely equal= fact . OMG WHAT A STATEMENT..There are many theories involving B.S.E...Whos right ...whos wrong.

Example.....Do you know about the love apple and the theory behind it.
TSE's are not diseases Reader(the second) TSE's are brought on by individual exposure to environmental factors causing imbalance, or as in BSE, misfolded prions.

This is as much a true statement as yours, considering there is no utter proof for either.

Most all of your posts are bias Reader, as they start with the same THEORY; That TSE's are diseases and that they are transmissible.

TSE's and in particular BSE is not transmissible. And the day that you, my friend can show me that it is, I will kiss your a$$.
reader (the Second) said:
frenchie said:
reader (the Second) said:
Frenchie - were you aware that all of modern science is theories and speculation. And get this -- gasp -- we teach theories and speculation in our colleges and universities and even down in the high schools and elementary schools. It's called SCIENCE. There's natural science (which this is), physical science, social science and all of them are full with theories and speculation. OMG

I,m very much aware of that...However speculation or theory does not necessarely equal= fact . OMG WHAT A STATEMENT..There are many theories involving B.S.E...Whos right ...whos wrong.

Example.....Do you know about the love apple and the theory behind it.

No Frenchie, there are not many theories. There are a couple, one of which 99% of the world's scientists accept as supported by the evidence and research. That is -- TSEs are a family of diseases, very odd ones to be sure, found in many species and capable of being transmitted from one species to the other in several ways. That is backed up by epidemiology, pathology, and labwork. OT posted an article about different manifestations of BSE depending upon the genotype of lab animals. What is your objection to this and what is the evidence you offer to refute these experiments? By the way, this is a report of experimental results with statements as to what these results suggest. These are very interesting results and others will follow up with experiments which verify or contradict these findings. This is how science happens. You appear to understand this, so what's the problem with the article??

A tomato is a love apple, at least in many languages.

I would like to see a more detailed account of the controls involved and the method of infection.and the number of mice involved in the study .
Also how many times was it replicated.lets see the numbers.

Theory on the love apple was that if you ate one you died.

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