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Burr Under the Saddle Blanket

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Feb 11, 2005
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northern Nebraska Sandhills
Burr Under the Saddle Blanket

The year 2014 is a great year in the cattle business. Grass is tall, hay is abundant, and cattle prices are at record highs. Yes, there was a drought two years ago. At that time, many ranchers had to change their normal ways of operating to compensate for the lack of rain and production. Now, with better times having arrived, the drought seems but a distant memory. Every face under a cowboy hat seems to bear a smile and a positive attitude, with great hope for the future of ranching.

Even with these good times, all of a sudden there seems to be "drought relief" money available from the government, up for grabs to all ranchers regardless of their circumstances. It isn't just pocket change, either--there are large sums of money to be had, merely for "signing up" at a local federal farm service agency. Disappointingly enough, most ranchers are flocking to the pay window like flies to honey. Many of these are fourth or fifth generation ranchers, having a net worth of millions of dollars. They don't need the money.

Federal subsidy payments have long been used by farmers, but ranchers are traditionally a pretty independent breed of people. They have spurned assistance from the government because they are proud of being self-sufficient, and they don't want Uncle Sam telling them how to run their outfits. Sure, there are some in dire need of extra income to stay solvent. Some went through much tougher circumstances than others, and are probably more deserving of a hand-out for that reason. The October 4th blizzard of 2013 was a terrible cattle killing storm. Folks that lost a large portion of their herds should have more access to relief funds than those who lost none.

Here is a bit of irony: Lyndon Baines Johnson was somewhat of a cowboy/rancher type of president, and wore a cowboy hat. He was a Democrat, and not a nice person. He only promoted and signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 1965 Voting Rights Act because he thought it was politically expedient. He disagreed violently and kept it a secret. He said at the time, "I'll have those blacks (not his exact word) voting Democratic for the next 200 years." Fast forward to 2014, and we now have a black president. Under his administration, the ranchers are eligible for free money. Our black president is probably smugly thinking, "I'll have those boys in cowboy hats voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

Have those of us wearing cowboy hats lost our moral responsibility? Can we, with any sense of honor or integrity, line up at the public trough and accept this "free" money? Yes, some need it. Most others don't, and their only justification is, "Well, if I don't take it, someone else will." This seems to be pretty flim-flam rationale. Let your conscience be your guide.
This has been debated on here to some what. I can tell you the dollars from these payments have helped to jump start our local economy. 2012 took a serious mental and financial strain on many here. I no way think that those hit in other times aren't just as deserving though. It is what it is.
:tiphat: :tiphat: I'm afraid we are in the minority though Soap!!
reinvested all my money back into pairs, bulls and cattle equipment.......Sure did help out for the past years of just getting by......
It isn't just because of your black President Soap... Its been going on for years... I know of cattle operations that ripped up their last 5 years mortgage papers just from the check they received from government pasture drought payments-- and the kicker was it was one of the best grazing years many had had... But they qualified because the overall multi-county region they happened to be in was under normal moisture in parts of it... Which often doesn't mean that much here in this semi-arid country where the average rainfall is 11.5 inches... Often its when you get it that counts more than the amount...

For years the cowboys used to tease the farmers for the mailbox crease in their caps they got from sitting in front of the mailbox waiting for their government checks-- well now with all the government conservation, disaster, equip programs its often the cattlemen/rancher that has the bigger mailbox crease in his hat... :wink:
Farmerkuk said:
reinvested all my money back into pairs, bulls and cattle equipment.......Sure did help out for the past years of just getting by......
I didn't resize you ventured off of NAT...
I fully agree with Soap! It is not the governments responsibility to make sure outfits don't go broke, no matter what industry your in. This started a long time ago, and it is a major part of the reason our country is in the shape it is in today. There is no free money!
double J said:
I fully agree with Soap! It is not the governments responsibility to make sure outfits don't go broke, no matter what industry your in. This started a long time ago, and it is a major part of the reason our country is in the shape it is in today. There is no free money!

Just like Chevrolet being guaranteed "not to fail." This tactic from the government will sure prevent me from ever buying a Chevrolet.
Absolutely agree Soap. We have been repeatedly told about it and encouraged to take it, as well as some other programs. My response is the same every time we discuss it on our operation. No. I don't care that we might just be able to get our tax dollars back, we are not going to take it as long as I have a say in the matter. There are always strings attached and I have seen way to many times that people quickly make a habit of taking other peoples' money and can come up with all sorts of justifications for doing so. Even though our portion would be a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things I would still have to live with myself and the knowledge that I was contributing to the problems we currently face by accepting largesse from the bureaucrats. Not on my watch.
The question is where do you draw the line? There is some ground close by that should of never been plowed, never raised a crop that I can remember and was immediately put into CRP when the program started and has been in ever since. I can remember one time someone tried to graze it when CRP grazing was allowed and a small portion hayed a couple of times. The owner didn't keep the well up and there were several dams that were allowed to wash out and never repaired. It has produced virtually nothing for decades, but every year the owner gets a payment.

All government programs are designed to create dependency on the government tit and in so doing control over production.
I agree with you a 100% Soap.

I was quite ashamed to find out that my uncle took the money, this is a man who has called farmers every name in the book his whole life for taking govt money. So the hypocrite took his and he really feels that he is entitled to it. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if he started voting for all Dem's next time around.
rancherfred said:
Absolutely agree Soap. We have been repeatedly told about it and encouraged to take it, as well as some other programs. My response is the same every time we discuss it on our operation. No. I don't care that we might just be able to get our tax dollars back, we are not going to take it as long as I have a say in the matter. There are always strings attached and I have seen way to many times that people quickly make a habit of taking other peoples' money and can come up with all sorts of justifications for doing so. Even though our portion would be a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things I would still have to live with myself and the knowledge that I was contributing to the problems we currently face by accepting largesse from the bureaucrats. Not on my watch.

This is my attitude about it, too. For some reason, I think that there is some mighty fine print on those application papers. There is some not so fine print on CRP contracts that scared me yo death. As a former NRCS employee and program pimp, I wouldn't t touch this with a ten foot pole.

Now folks trying to recover or hang on during a drought, it is a different story, but we are doing fine and our most economic windfall would be to start "banking" that grass hay.
AC Diesel said:
I agree with you a 100% Soap.

I was quite ashamed to find out that my uncle took the money, this is a man who has called farmers every name in the book his whole life for taking govt money. So the hypocrite took his and he really feels that he is entitled to it. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if he started voting for all Dem's next time around.

Remember the old country song "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything"
I agree with Soap. I will admit to participating in a few programs years ago. I've decided it's just a form of welfare. And by hell if I'm not a good enough manger to get through some droughts or what have you. Then I should find another line of work. So I say if you cuss all those folks who receive their welfare checks then quit cussing cause these are just forms of welfare. I say get busy ranching and quit looking for handouts. My opinion. By the way there is some fine print that should scare the hell out of anyone who signs up.
I read this yesterday and wasn't going to post but for some reason I think I will. I have not recieved a check from the 2012 drought deal (some of us are in a just as bad drought if not worse this year than that) but I am a farmer and do participate in the farm programs. I think that they all should just be scrapped. Why do I participate do you ask? I am in my early 30's and don't have the luxury of owning very much of the ground that I farm. The farm payments and participating in them and which ones go with the land owner and however they see fit to do things. Another reason is I have banked with 3 places in my life for different reasons and I have a very large operating line in order to make it through the season. There is not one place that dosnt put security on gov payments and also crop insurance (which I know most of you think is evil as well). I can't say I feel good about the payments but I don't have much choice unless I just quit and go work in town. I wish I had a big spread with lots of cows that are paid for like some of you I enjoy the cows way more than farming but I don't. I have a question for some of you with your holier than thow attitude. I have four kids when I put them down on my taxs and get to deduct x amount for each of them is that wellfair? They are giving me a tax break for my kids and basicly give you money by not taking it away in taxs. Probly should have just kept quiet but for those of you that think you know everything about every farmer it just bugged me a bit.
3 M L & C said:
I read this yesterday and wasn't going to post but for some reason I think I will. I have not recieved a check from the 2012 drought deal (some of us are in a just as bad drought if not worse this year than that) but I am a farmer and do participate in the farm programs. I think that they all should just be scrapped. Why do I participate do you ask? I am in my early 30's and don't have the luxury of owning very much of the ground that I farm. The farm payments and participating in them and which ones go with the land owner and however they see fit to do things. Another reason is I have banked with 3 places in my life for different reasons and I have a very large operating line in order to make it through the season. There is not one place that dosnt put security on gov payments and also crop insurance (which I know most of you think is evil as well). I can't say I feel good about the payments but I don't have much choice unless I just quit and go work in town. I wish I had a big spread with lots of cows that are paid for like some of you I enjoy the cows way more than farming but I don't. I have a question for some of you with your holier than thow attitude. I have four kids when I put them down on my taxs and get to deduct x amount for each of them is that wellfair? They are giving me a tax break for my kids and basicly give you money by not taking it away in taxs. Probly should have just kept quiet but for those of you that think you know everything about every farmer it just bugged me a bit.
good question and good post. Kinda like a kid winning a scholarship but the parents saying no thanks.
3 M L & C said:
I read this yesterday and wasn't going to post but for some reason I think I will. I have not recieved a check from the 2012 drought deal (some of us are in a just as bad drought if not worse this year than that) but I am a farmer and do participate in the farm programs. I think that they all should just be scrapped. Why do I participate do you ask? I am in my early 30's and don't have the luxury of owning very much of the ground that I farm. The farm payments and participating in them and which ones go with the land owner and however they see fit to do things. Another reason is I have banked with 3 places in my life for different reasons and I have a very large operating line in order to make it through the season. There is not one place that dosnt put security on gov payments and also crop insurance (which I know most of you think is evil as well). I can't say I feel good about the payments but I don't have much choice unless I just quit and go work in town. I wish I had a big spread with lots of cows that are paid for like some of you I enjoy the cows way more than farming but I don't. I have a question for some of you with your holier than thow attitude. I have four kids when I put them down on my taxs and get to deduct x amount for each of them is that wellfair? They are giving me a tax break for my kids and basicly give you money by not taking it away in taxs. Probly should have just kept quiet but for those of you that think you know everything about every farmer it just bugged me a bit.

I'm just saying that the ones who don't need it, shouldn't take it. Believe me, there is plenty of this gong on.
Tomorrow is the first day of school here. This morning I sat down and attacked the mountain of paperwork mailed to us by the school. Thankfully the boy is a senior and this was the last time for all this horsecrap.
Computer lease, check. Activity pass, check. Extra sports insurance, check. Emergency contact sheet, etc., etc.
School lunches. A ten page mess accompanied the school lunch notice, outlining how to apply for free or reduced price school lunches. Apparently to qualify, the only requirement is that somebody MUST be breathing. After swearing for a minute or so, I got out the checkbook and wrote a check big enough to cover 100 school lunches. I absolutely refuse to participate in that program. First, if I did, both my parents would be spinning in their graves. Second, 30 years ago I did a significant amount of substitute teaching at school. The school secretary was on break one day at the same time I was. She asked me if I knew what kids were getting free lunches because their parents were "poor". When I shook my head "no" she rattled off a list that blew my mind...not because the parents were poor, but because they were wealthy and getting their kids free lunches. It pi$$ed me off and to this day I still have a bad taste in my mouth about it. If you need it, fine...otherwise it isn't right.

Freebies aren't free.
3 M L & C said:
I read this yesterday and wasn't going to post but for some reason I think I will. I have not recieved a check from the 2012 drought deal (some of us are in a just as bad drought if not worse this year than that) but I am a farmer and do participate in the farm programs. I think that they all should just be scrapped. Why do I participate do you ask? I am in my early 30's and don't have the luxury of owning very much of the ground that I farm. The farm payments and participating in them and which ones go with the land owner and however they see fit to do things. Another reason is I have banked with 3 places in my life for different reasons and I have a very large operating line in order to make it through the season. There is not one place that dosnt put security on gov payments and also crop insurance (which I know most of you think is evil as well). I can't say I feel good about the payments but I don't have much choice unless I just quit and go work in town. I wish I had a big spread with lots of cows that are paid for like some of you I enjoy the cows way more than farming but I don't. I have a question for some of you with your holier than thow attitude. I have four kids when I put them down on my taxs and get to deduct x amount for each of them is that wellfair? They are giving me a tax break for my kids and basicly give you money by not taking it away in taxs. Probly should have just kept quiet but for those of you that think you know everything about every farmer it just bugged me a bit.

Pretty much in the same boat as you. The bank dictates what we do, too. I personally was referring to the areas that do not qualify because of abundant precip. Like a neighbor who got 22 inches of rain in 2013 (average 13 inches) wondered, why are we in this drought payment? And, for me, with our non drought status, just think this windfall is too good to be true.

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