Radar, what are you doing? When I was at MSU, we had at times up to 15 head of cannulated cows that we did all kinds of things with, nylon bag trials, rumen microbe counts, you name it. We also did duodenal and ileal cannulas on 5 cows and a bunch of sheep to get absorption of nutrients. We also did calves at one month of age to get an idea of rumen development and diet selection of calves on range. BTW, calves have a fully functional rumen by 1 month, the rumen starts to get colonized with in days of birth. Anyway, now when I need rumen fluid to take into the class rooms to explain a ruminant to kids, I get fluid with a dose syringe that we made to suck stuff up instead of shoot stuff out. We put a tube in a cows throat, run a hose into the rumen and suck up enough to fill a thermos, thats enough to last all day to view in the microscopes. We even did an invitro digestion trial in the Roundup High school a few years ago, they don't want to do that again, some of the kids complained about the smell of good ole rumen fluid. I should send you an official rumen divers cap to celebrate the occasion :!: