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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
North Western SD
Besides the 9% sales tax - which I kindof understand why some don't like, what else is it that some don't like about him. Here is how I see it - I understand he has never been in politics, but the political figures we have in now have gotten us into this mess. He has a lifetime worth of experience in and understands business, understands people as he has dealt with them his entire career, he never came from money and everything he has he has earned, so he understands the poor, he is well spoken, he has gone through, understands and overcome the racial issues in the country. I could go on, but you get the point.

Now I know he isn't perfect, but the media is trying to tell us he doesn't have a chance against Obama, but I think they are pushing that because they are afraid of him, as if he is the cadidate the goes head to head against Obama, then they have nothing to argue against the repubs. Forever they have said the repubs are racist and this would prove they are wrong. He would definetley get more votes from the blacks than say a Romney would as well and that also scares the media.

Tell me your thoughts without insulting him.
I like him, I don't like the idea of another tax, no matter how well meaning his intent is.. I really like the way he talks straight and doesn't mince words.. If it was a choice of Cain, Perry or Romney I would vote for Cain..

but since Paul is the only conservative addressing our governments out of control spending, he has a slight edge in my opinion
from another thread.. another reason to support Cain.

"My answer was focused on the role of the President. The President has no constitutional authority to order any such action by anyone. That was the point I was trying to convey. As to my political policy view on abortion, I am 100% pro-life. End of story. I will appoint judges who understand the original intent of the Constitution. Judges who are committed to the rule of law know that the Constitution contains no right to take the life of unborn children," Cain said in his statement. "I will oppose government funding of abortion. I will veto any legislation that contains funds for Planned Parenthood. I will do everything that a President can do, consistent with his constitutional role, to advance the culture of life."

WASHINGTON -- The first signs of real damage to Herman Cain's campaign emerged Thursday as his position on abortion -- that he is personally anti-abortion but believes it's "not the government's role ... to make that decision" -

supporting abortion is not and should never have been a role of the US government..

paying for abortions is not and should never have been a role of the US government..

The US government should not be in the abortion business..

so where is the problem?

I would have accepted the original comment for what is said..
Well said BRG.

Out of the bunch, he looks to be the "true conservative", not extreme by any measure and not a "religious fanatic", yet still shows Christian morals.

Time to let some of the others fall by the wayside and let the voters get to know the true contenders a little better.

I would expect that Bachmann, Huntsman and Santorum will drop out soon.
Just a guess, but I think after Bachman and Santorum drop out, their support will go to either Perry or Cain and then Huntsman will go to Romney. If that is the case, then Romney would most likely stay a distance second or a close third.
BRG said:
Just a guess, but I think after Bachman and Santorum drop out, their support will go to either Perry or Cain and then Huntsman will go to Romney. If that is the case, then Romney would most likely stay a distance second or a close third.

the way I see it.....Bachmann's to Cain and Santorum's 50/50 to Perry/Cain.

I believe Paul is only there to continue to make the points he has for decades, but will also drop out soon.

Not sure I agree with Mark Levin that Romney would be better than obama....

He would be a better President, but that scenario would not be better for the Country. I believe the US might be able to hang on through one more term of obama, but if it does, the Democrats and liberalism would be put on the back burner for a loooooooong time.

If Romney wins the Presidency, he will scale back the liberalism/progressivism, but not ,and the Republicans will end up with another "liberal Bush", and get the blame for obama's mistakes and lack of leadership.
hypocritexposer said:
If Romney wins the Presidency, he will scale back the liberalism/progressivism, but not ,and the Republicans will end up with another "liberal Bush", and get the blame for obama's mistakes and lack of leadership.

by Perry's stance on many immigration issues, I think he is closer to a liberal Bush then the rest of the conservatives..

with Romney or Perry you are getting a track record of failed liberal policies..

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