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Calf grafting

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May 1, 2023
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Hi guys
I'm actually looking for some answers if it is possible or not. We have an 8 Days old calf without a mom... And a cow that lost her 40 Days old calf... Is there a chance that it may Work ? I've done this in the past with newborns but never with older calves with such an age gap. The calf is able to nurse on her when we resterain her... Should I loose hope or not ?
Thanks ☺️
Skinning out the dead calf and putting the hide on the new one helps but that all needs to be done right away.
Some use a product they sprinkle on the back of the calf to get the cow licking it and thinking it's her own. Someone here will remember the name of it, Oats and corn syrup in a pinch might work.
Just keep putting her in the head gate and feed her some oats or pellets while the calf sucks, could take a while but better then bottle feeding a calf all summer.
We just did it with a month old calf put onto a cow who lost a 2 month old calf. Had to hobble her but easier than suckling twice a day. The love each other now. We never skin the calf. The powder is O No More. Milk replacer works sometimes too.
I have 2 of those right now. One lost her calf 3 or 4 weeks ago. Didn't find the dead calf for the better part of a week. At that point I went oh well she gets a ride to town. Then I caught her letting other calves suck. The other lost a month old calf. Wednesday last week 2 bottle calves from Bert came up here. The one that lost the month old calf is getting close to success. If she sees me she lets it suck. The other is still being a pain. The real difference is in the calves. The one being a success is an aggressive calf. The other is dummy who was a bottle calf for too long. He will run right to her when she is locked in the chute but other wise he chases people looking for a bottle.
Gave up on the one with the long term bottle calf. The cow wasn't interested in being a mother. I had already bought a replacement for her. Plan A was to ship after we branded. Plan B was the calf. So I went back to plan A and hauled her to town yesterday. The calf went back to Bert's bottle calf program. Although when he picked up the calf he offered to leave it and let Edna feed it until October. For some reason she declined.
Edna (my wife) had fed that calf the last day and a half it was here. It was an orphan from Bert. When he stopped by to pick it up Edna was just walking out to the corral with a bottle. He offered to let her continue feeding it until fall.
Two problems with this graft. The calf was too long a bottle calf. The cow had lost her calf a good 3 or 4 weeks earlier. But she was seen letting other calves suck. So we figured we would give it a try. She wasn't interested in becoming a mother and there was a question about how much milk she actually had. So the calf went back to Bert's and the cow got a trip to town.
Edna (my wife) had fed that calf the last day and a half it was here. It was an orphan from Bert. When he stopped by to pick it up Edna was just walking out to the corral with a bottle. He offered to let her continue feeding it until fall.
Two problems with this graft. The calf was too long a bottle calf. The cow had lost her calf a good 3 or 4 weeks earlier. But she was seen letting other calves suck. So we figured we would give it a try. She wasn't interested in becoming a mother and there was a question about how much milk she actually had. So the calf went back to Bert's and the cow got a trip to town.
I'd say that was perfect...or just about...

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