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Can anyone explain the Dems Mindset

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Feb 10, 2005
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The whole time the Government was debating the Healthcare bill the voters were telling them slow down and get it right. They plainly told the government they didn't like the Dems overhaul plans, at townhall meetings, protest rallies, ads on TV and radio and in emails and phone calls to their Congressmen and women. It was so bad Dem Congressmen themselves had to be paid off with sweetheart deals to buy their votes to pass the Bill. But did they listen NO they push through a vote in the dark of night and saddled the US with one of the worst pieces of leg. in modern history, if you listen to all the reports from the Doctors/Congressmen that have studied it.

Now that the Bill is facing a Repeal vote brought on by the results of a historical election where more Dems lost their seat than ever before over a bill that nobody wanted, the Dems are coming out and admitting that they KNEW THE BILL HAD PROBLEMS. :shock: :roll:

Did they know or are they just now finding out, as we all know Pelosi said "we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it"? Did they actually know how bad the bill was when they stuffed it down the Americans throats? :?

IF they knew how bad it was and that it needed to be fixed even before it was passed then why did they rush the suicide bill through Congress? I call it a suicide bill as it killed the political careers of alot of it's supporters. and it has killed alot of jobs ( Can I still say KILLED? :? )

For a Party that according to Ms Pelosi have always been looking out for the deficit, would it not have been cheaper to do as the voters asked in the first place which was SLOW DOWN, garbage the orginial bill and get it right the first time verse passing a bill and having to now admit it's problem when it faces repeal? :mad:
Another question on Liberals mindset.

If the DEMS claimed 30 million more would be insured under Obamacare why is Pelosi and Sebilus now claiming over 100 million will loose their insurance if the same bill is repealed? :?

Where did the extra OVER 70 Million come from if Obamacare was to assure that Insurance companies couldn't toss people off their rolls and People could afford the insurance they already had as the cost of said insurance under Obamacare was to COME DOWN. :?

Can we say the Dems have stepped up the dangerous rhetoric IE fear tactics to stir up their supporters for a bill that the majority of voters say they don't want and want repealed. And didn't the Republicans say they were going to REPLACE Obamacare with a bill that would still cover those that have preexisting conditions? We all know Pelosi is not going to allow Obamacare to go down without a fight but I thought Obama told everyone to tone down the rhetoric and be civial when promoting their points of view. I guess like the Left bias media the Liberal Politicans felt he wasn't speaking to them. :roll:

Just hear Pelosi again and according to her the number was 129 million that will be un-insured upon repeal, so I ask the Dems again where did the 99 million come from? And please remember there is only 300 million people in the US which means according to Pelosi's claims well over 1/3 of Americans will be un-insured. Just what did Obamacare do to the numbers insured if now 1/3 of Americans will be left un-insured if it is repealed just one year after being signed into law?
you are trying to use common sense, honesty, decency, logic, and facts against a debase mindset.( talking about the liberal here, this is not exclusive to dems, their are plenty of liberal republican RINOS too)

it won't happen! That dog won't hunt.
if you use the aforementioned things to try and pin them down and show them their fallicy they will somehow shut their eyes even tighter and plow over you. Their minds can not handle the truth. Their Godless lives has placed scales over their eyes that they can not see past. they somehow see themselves as normal. they are under such deception because they have ridiculed God and excluded him from their lives. it is a debased mindset. you would do better to talk logic and common sense to a pig. :roll: untill by grace God opens their eyes, this is how they are.
Pray for them!
"Under the old rules, if you had any kind of medical condition, whether you were a child born with a medical disability, a cancer survivor, a pregnant woman or, in some cases, even a victim of domestic violence, insurers could freely deny you application," Sebelius told reporters in a telephone briefing on the report.

As of Nov. 1, only 8,011 people were enrolled in the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan, numbers from the Dept. of Health and Human Services show.

People who have been denied coverage by private insurers because of a preexisting condition and who have been uninsured for at least six months are eligible to participate in PCIP. The idea is to give patients who have no access to private coverage because of their condition a way to get insurance while they wait for the state-based health insurance exchanges to launch in 2014.

Almost 6 million Americans are potentially eligible for the program, which runs through 2013.

I think the Dems just wanted to pass something, anything on healthcare. Just to say they did it. Obama was looking really weak and if they didn't pass it, he would look worse. He should've stuck to jobs...
Half of Americans Have Pre-Existing Health Conditions
129 Million Americans Younger Than 65 Could Be Exposed Without Health

Americans Worried About Coverage

More than one-third of those who tried to purchase health insurance directly from an insurance company in the individual insurance market were turned down, charged more or had a specific health problem excluded from their coverage, and half of those with individual market insurance were worried about losing their coverage if they got really sick, according to national surveys cited in the report.

"Insurance is the only business in which you don't know the price of your own product until after you have sold it," Field said. "The premium that a customer pays can be pure profit if they don't file any claims, or a huge loss, if they get sick. Insurance companies deal with this by limiting sales to those most likely to stay healthy."

But some experts disagree with the report's estimates.

"We have long agreed that the individual insurance market needs to be reformed but this report significantly exaggerates the number of people whose coverage is impacted by pre-existing conditions," said Robert Zirkelbach, press secretary for America's Health Insurance Plans, explaining that most people get their coverage through big employer plans (which cover pre-existing conditions) and nine out of 10 people who apply for coverage in the individual market are offered a policy.

Professor Jost said, "The administration is not arguing that 129 million Americans are ineligible for private health insurance because of their health. But many of these Americans are insured through their jobs, and would find health insurance to be very expensive or unavailable if they were to lose their employee coverage."

Five million Americans lost employer-sponsored health insurance between 2007 and 2009, according to the report. The percentage of small businesses that offer coverage dropped from 68 percent in 2001 to 59 percent in 2009, but rose in 2010; a trend the authors attribute, in part, to the Affordable Care Act's small business tax credits.

In an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News' "Good Morning America," former House speaker Newt Gingrich dismissed the report, calling it "left-wing propaganda."

"These are people who claim they can cut $500 billion out of Medicare and not affect either doctors, hospitals or senior citizens. Now, I mean, if you can believe that, you can believe anything they're saying," Gingrich said of the Department of Health and Human Services.

"The administration keeps touting these insurance market reforms, which are a small part of the new law, but seem to want people to ignore the hundreds of billions in wasteful spending and regulation that is attached to the bill," said Dr. Scott Gottlieb, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.

"There were a lot of ways to address the gaps in coverage that make insurance unaffordable to some Americans, short of nationalizing the regulation and reimbursement of health coverage for most Americans, which is what this legislation does."

For Pelosi's 129 million to be true then all 129 million would have to loose their job place insurance and all would have to be turned down for private insurance. Now How likely is it that repealing the Healthcare bill will cause 129 million americans ro loose their jobs and waht is the likelyhood all 129 million will not get private insureance when 9 out of 10 Americans request insurance are now offered a policy?

I'm with Gingrich if you buy into the $500 billion story you will likely buy this one too. :roll:

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