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Mar 28, 2013
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Elizabeth Warren Apologizes to Cherokee Nation for DNA Test

She just admitted to lying to America for decades over and over. Media can no longer cover for her. They were accomplices.

She is neutered.

He's done!

1000 journalists layed off?

Their army....strings cut, flow of slush money disrupted...you've been paying for them.
They're still going to make sh it up and go down swinging, or squealing and scratching......


Don't forget about these in the country repopulating like rodents.

Traveler said:
They're still going to make sh it up and go down swinging, or squealing and scratching......



That's the plan. They will completely expose themselves for who they are. ;)

We should have an equal or greater opposite resolve to counter their oppression. I dont intend pointing out the success as a reason to let up, but to see that we can win, are winning, and should do all in our capability to see this through.

The success is quite demoralizing for them.
Traveler said:
Don't forget about these in the country repopulating like rodents.


All in due time. We have to break the MSM first...which is well underway; drain the swamp...well underway and much more coming. Yeah I see the house...but I also know what they did to get it, and what's about to happen. (I understand if this a bridge too far to believe yet)....timing is important. After seeing Democrats defend after birth killing of babies, and then not doing anything to secure our border....the sensible people of our country that have been voting D because the media told them it's the right thing to do will be ready to burn the democratic party to the ground.

THEN...we introduce the fraud committed on America by their election tampering....game set match.

At that point...America's eyes are open....the media cant protect the cancer within our borders.

Also, watch what happens to family size as our monetary system gets fixed and the dollar retains its value. Dad's will be able to support bigger families....the false narrative of American population control will be challenged head on.

How do the invaders support their large families? You've been paying for them....NO MORE!
Think backwards....if you think this is impossible...why?

Because they "won" so many times in your life?

Demoralizing isn't it?

How much more so when you're used to always winning?

The world is changing.....enjoy the show.
I hope you are right, and I can see it happening. One of my biggest concerns is that, if something were to happen to Trump, if some nutcase (i.e. mainstream leftist) got the opportunity to take our president's life for the sake of their brainless causes or (non) religion, would we have the momentum on our side to keep going? We're doing a hell of a lot of riding on his coattails. Imo, GWB, standing there with his finger up his ass, maybe with the advice of Karl Rove, with some questionable policy, and not answering charges from the left and their fake media, did so much to put the momentum against us. The country is just a heartbeat away from the unknown. Would there be someone to fill his shoes? And heaven forbid if the next election goes democrat. Every one of their candidates is batshit crazy.
I fear that there are too many liberals in this country that are batshit crazy or those candidates wouldn't be elected.
However, I read what iwannabe posted with glee...and HOPE...

May God and our Secret Service continue to protect Trump and his family.
Cowboy, " After seeing Democrats defend after birth killing of babies, and then not doing anything to secure our border....the sensible people of our country that have been voting D because the media told them it's the right thing to do will be ready to burn the democratic party to the ground."

It's hard to imagine, let alone believe the state of America today. Wide open borders and extermination of living viable babies? Importing migrants to explode the welfare class? Identity politics leads good people with feeble minds to outrageous ends including open hatred of Caucasian DNA. I admit the bridge is too far for me to see, but attaining that bridge is the only hope we have.
I respect your positions. And i appreciate that you can question mine in a respectable manner.

I submit the following as something to consider that may give you further assurance that we live in a time of change.

This past week-POTUS

Listen to what he says....paraphrased because I don't have time to type it exact, but you can listen. "the table has been set...another way to say that is the stage has been set"


Q-last March...a year prior... Why? Because this is all completely pre-planned. Everything in it's time and timing is important.

"Set the STAGE." - POTUS
Do you believe?
Buckle up.

08-Mar-2018 3:45:35 PM CST
Q !UW.yye1fxo
8ch/qresearch 591304
I couldn't be more enthusiastically hopeful about a reset!!! I know, I'm something of a nervous nelly. I hope trump can get another term, but if the fake Mexican, Beto, can carry tx, it's over. I'm already surprised the deep state hasn't eliminated their irritant. I appreciate the "iwannabeacowboy" explanations - they explain so much.
They've tried to take him out over and over.

The media wont come out tell us that an attempt on POTUS was made.

But think logically.....

Remember this?



And then this following the glider...

I'd have to search to find more of what we've been given in that regard. But suffice it to say, if they ever succeeded the response would be one of awe that would likely scare all of us and we would go into a state of martial law. It would not be as it has in the past. It can't. Good people hiding among the bad, have been exposed now and they would be eliminated systematically. That's my point about we cant return to where we were. Patriots would die.

That's why the determination to fix the rigged elections is real and very well planned. Game theory. It's not just America, the world depends upon it. Look at how the world has changed over the past 2 years....
I saw that on Sean Hannity. AWESOME! My favorite part was when President Trump said
"We are born free and will stay free...America will never be a SOCIALIST NATION!"

And BTW, why was Stacy Abrams chosen to give the Democrats rebuttal?
She was a poor choice for the Democrats.
They don't have a good choice...it's political suicide to try to counter him at this time.

Their injured reserved list is very long- Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, Feinstein, Wasserman-Shultz, Warner, Schiff, Sheila Jackson....

The ones more toward the middle want to stay as bipartisan appearing as possible...countering him would be dumb for them.

I think she drew the short straw after losing her election.

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