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Can your dog change a lightbulb?

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
South Central Texas, former South Dakotan
I wonder where the Corgi fits in on all this???? lol
If its my Corgi I think she is more like the Cocker Spaniel!!! :???: :?
My border collie would be changing the bulb while my Corgi was crapping in the corner somewhere....sorta taking advantage of the dark situation with hopes of not getting caught!

How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?

1. Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned out bulb?

2. Border Collie: Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code.

3. Dachshund: You know I can't reach that stupid lamp!

4. Rottweiler: Make me.

5. Boxer: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark.

6. Lab: Oh, me, me!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Huh? Can I? Pleeeeeeeeeze, please, please, please!

7. German Shepherd: I'll change it as soon as I've led these people from the dark, check to make sure I haven't missed any, and make just one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation.

8. Jack Russell Terrier: I'll just pop it in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture.

9. Old English Sheep Dog: Light bulb? I'm sorry, but I don't see a light bulb!

10. Cocker Spaniel: Why change it? I can still pee on the carpet in the dark.

11. Chihuahua: Yo quiero Taco Bulb. Or "We don't need no stinking light bulb."

12. Greyhound: It isn't moving. Who cares?

13. Australian Shepherd: First, I'll put all the light bulbs in a little circle...

14. Poodle: I'll just blow in the Border Collie's ear and he'll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.

How many cats does it take to change a light bulb?

The Cat's Answer:

Cats do not change light bulbs. People change light bulbs. So, the real question is:

"How long will it be before I can expect some light, some dinner, and a massage?"

Tex----my 16 year old daughter got a jack russell for her birthday last year and he CERTAINLY resembles your remark!!! Wayyyy to funnnyy!!! :lol: :lol: Thanks for the light-hearted humor!! Much needed on a day when folks (yes, i mean ME) find themselves in a rather foul mood!! Many apologies for being so darned testy earlier!! Not really like me!! I honestly try and keep things light and this posting of yours certainly helped!!! :D :D

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