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Canadian Truck convoy

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Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Big Muddy valley
My son ran with the Canadian Convoy from Regina to Brandon about 250 miles. He wanted to show support to those going all the way to Ottawa. When he got home he helped organize a convoy in to Regina our provincial capital. Over a thousand truck and thousands of people waving flags. The Canadian media is trying their darndest to ignore or paint them in a bad light for the acts of a few bad actors.
The Ladies of another View from Bismark North Dakota called my son Lane for a interview,
Mom and Dad are proud.
His part starts around the 30 minute mark.
Cool video of the truck lining up and heading into the city.
click on it and will open and play a drone video of Regina convoy

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I can remember when I used to think politicians where basically decent ,honorable people. Even the ones that I disagreed with politically.
We should be able to just go ask our family doctor and trust his opinion. Course I used to think the police where there to help people like me.
Wouldn't it be nice if everybody could just half way trust one another?
Dont take what I said the wrong way. I'm just saying I'm not sure about anything anymore. The world and the people in it doesn't seem anything like what I believed it to be years ago.
I got the first two shots because my doctor recommended it. I had an appointment for the third but cancelled it. I dont really watch the news much anymore because it depresses me and I can't change anything. I just dont know who to believe or trust anymore. If you can't even trust the police to be decent then who can you trust and thats about how bad things are now a days.

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