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Canadians use NAFTA to sue the US

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The US is the land of the lawsuit, is it not? Seems to be the only language alot of you understand. There is enough evidence that the border was closed illegally and for political reasons, I expect they'll win. Good Luck.
I am almost positive I read that Canada wanted to abrogate (abolish) NAFTA just a short while [years] ago. You wouldn't want your cake and be able to eat it too now would you? :roll:
What about the new missile defense system that the USA is building. Canada is refusing to pay any part but will benefit in the results. I know the Liberals are the ones reluctant but they are still Canadian.
All this squabbling is doing is causing hard feelings.
I am almost positive I read that Canada wanted to abrogate (abolish) NAFTA just a short while [years] ago.

I hadn't heard that but it is possible the Liberals may have wanted to undo what was done by the Conservatives so many years ago. Changing of the guard and whatnot.

What about the new missile defense system that the USA is building. Canada is refusing to pay any part but will benefit in the results.

I've heard from people older than me that there was an agreement signed between I believe it was 'Eisenhower and Pearson' back in the 50's that gave Canada US protection in exchange for us abolishing our military aerospace program, which was superior to the US program at that time. After that meeting, Canada became 'Peace Keepers' instead of a proactive military force. That's just what I've heard so don't ask me to prove it, but it makes sense in alot of ways.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:05 pm Post subject:


I am almost positive I read that Canada wanted to abrogate (abolish) NAFTA just a short while [years] ago. You wouldn't want your cake and be able to eat it too now would you?
What about the new missile defense system that the USA is building. Canada is refusing to pay any part but will benefit in the results. I know the Liberals are the ones reluctant but they are still Canadian.
All this squabbling is doing is causing hard feelings.

as far as nafta goes mike go ahead and open it up. the mood canadians are in now you'd find oil and gas from canada a less secure supply and water would be more protected. then the american cattleman would be of truly no consequence to american negotiators. there have been many more trade complaints brought by americans than canadians and canadians realize they have no special standing with the american government. it makes good press to talk about the longest unprotected border but it really means nothing.

the missile defense system is being proposed to protect the united states and any benefit to canada would be incidental. what canada has to offer for this system is some strategic geography for the usa to use otherwise we wouldn't matter to it at all.
OK, then go ahead and sue. That will do wonders for the US and Canada relationship. But it ain't as if we haven't been taking your beef at all.

Look, I sympathize with you. I have friends in the cattle business in Canada and hope they come out of this OK. All I'm saying is this bickering back and forth will not help either side and can only create more animosity.
All I'm saying is this bickering back and forth will not help either side and can only create more animosity.

For what its worth, I agree with you. Remember when you were a kid and you were scrapping and your mom caught you. You always said 'He started it'. Well, 'R-CALF started it'. I think that if the border had opened a year ago, there would have been alot less hard feelings.
Mike said:
OK, then go ahead and sue. That will do wonders for the US and Canada relationship. But it ain't as if we haven't been taking your beef at all.

Look, I sympathize with you. I have friends in the cattle business in Canada and hope they come out of this OK. All I'm saying is this bickering back and forth will not help either side and can only create more animosity.

You have to keep in mind what started it all: RCALF litigation.

The same type of litigation that doubles the cost of vehicles, machinery, and other inputs plus tripling the cost of health care.
Then if R-Calf started it why in the HELL don't you sue R-Calf?
They only represent 10% of US cattlemen.
What about the other 90% ?
Then if R-Calf started it why in the HELL don't you sue R-Calf?

I believe that the suit is probably coming. The problem is if we won the suit, how would we collect as it would bankrupt them. I don't think you'd see too many guys donating calves to the auction to pay off the suit by the Canadian Cattlemen. The government is a much safer bet.
Then if R-Calf started it why in the HELL don't you sue R-Calf?
They only represent 10% of US cattlemen.
What about the other 90% ?

then why in the hell doesn't r-calf sue to block beef from the farms where bse was found??? that's just as reasonable. we're using the same strategy as r-calf.
don said:
Then if R-Calf started it why in the HELL don't you sue R-Calf?
They only represent 10% of US cattlemen.
What about the other 90% ?

then why in the hell doesn't r-calf sue to block beef from the farms where bse was found??? that's just as reasonable. we're using the same strategy as r-calf.

Then that puts YOU in the same category/level and MAKES you NO BETTER THAN the ones you abhor. You use the word "REASONABLE"?
Just thought I would throw this in on the discussion.

Positive thought for the day!

When you feel nobody loves you,
Nobody cares for you,
Everyone is ignoring you,
and people are jealous of you
You should really ask yourself...

You guys are nuts! This is what I love about this place. Right in the middle of a good heated argument, someone throws in the dangdest humor! Ha

that wasn't really very heated. you oughta be in an arena where two teams of sixteen year olds are playing hockey. between the boys, dads and coaches the temp rises. but the worst has to be the mothers.
my two boys are out of hockey but sure had some good times with that. one time i had to escort my older boy to the dressing room because there were two fathers from the other time out to get him. you might say his on ice personality was a little abrasive that year.
the pre-novice and novice is the most fun to watch. by the end of novice the parents are getting delusional and the fun starts to go out of it.

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