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Canuck Happy About R-CALF's Victory

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canadian angus

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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Northwest Saskatchewan
I couldn't be happier to hear about R-Calf's victory! I think we should thank you for the supidity to allow us to increase our slaughter capacity. As well as expanding our own markets without using the USA as a middle man.
If any one should be pushing for a border opening it sould be the northern states. Don't they see their neibouring plants closing? While our slaughter capacity increases and we work on the age verification and the Canadian Cattle Identification programs to increase our export markets for CANADIAN BEEF that will be killed in CANADIAN PLANTS R-Calf let's their plants close and drags their feet on their own ID system. By winning this injunction it only makes it better for us in the long run
Thanks alot R-calf:lol:
I totally agree!!! You also forgot to point out how much risk they are creating for their own industry, for when the time comes that they find their own BSE!! Its amazing they could find 12 memebers, nevermind 12,000!!
I agree too. This will still hurt individuals, but in the long run be a benefit for the whole Canadain Industry.

I can't help but think, we're in a period of short term pain , for long term gain.

I wonder if R-calf is setting the US industry up for short term gain and long-term pain.

hey guys dont tell em....let them figger it out after it is too late..
In the words of that great American philosopher, F.Gump.

Stupid is as Stupid Does. :dunce:

In the words of that great Canadian philosopher, my Dad,

When it all blows up in your face, don't come crying to me. :cry:
As my kids say "it's all fun and games until someone loses a kidney" :eek:

R-CALF is setting the US beef industry up to lose more than a kidney if BSE is found in the US. :p
We all know how honest R-calf is and how they worry for the consumer's safety. Why are they not telling the public that there are live Canadian cattle hitting their supermarket shelves everyday. Maybe they'd rather let PETA do it.
Murgen said:
We all know how honest R-calf is and how they worry for the consumer's safety. Why are they not telling the public that there are live Canadian cattle hitting their supermarket shelves everyday. Maybe they'd rather let PETA do it.

Good point, Murgen, but that would be the "other" half of the truth. Like Paul Harvey and his "The rest of the story".

I actually am pretty ambivalent whether the border opens or not. What I would like is to know which it is going to be. All this uncertainty makes it hard to plan. If we knew the border was going to open and their would be competition for our cattle, we could cut back on our plans to build packing plants. If it is going to stay closed, we should get as much slaughter capacity on line as we can and test everything for foreign markets. This yo-yo effect between the border going to open or not open, that we've got now is just hard on everyone.
Sash, just wondering why you think we should dis-continue the building of slaughter plants if the border opens.

This whole experience has shown us how political these types of trade disputes are. Canada should continue to add-value to our "raw" resources. The finished product trade is protected by free trade agreements etc.

I actually hope the soft-wood lumber and durum wheat producers are also taking note. There is no reason why we can't finish these products in Canada and ship the "boxed" value-added product.
We all have to remember that over the last 21 months, Governements have given lip service and not worked that hard to help us out. If we want to survive we have to do it on our own.
Set the table of a fair playing field, and we will survive, but keep it fair. Do not trust the promises politicians give us, north and south of the 49th.

Yes build slaughter plants, but work together. I am personally working towards the over thirty plant of Ranchers Meats at Edmonton. No shell game, cattleman working together.

We do have to watch some of the shell games that are being presented, especially the one about buying an existing plant, wonder who is promoting that one. Know who is going around and doing the talking, but who is promoting it.

If the border wasn't there we wouldn't have a chance to do this, but it is there and play fair is not in the American vocabulary, least not r-calfs. So let us prevail and build our own markets.

What I would like to know is just how much longer will it take for some of these US ranchers to realize that the longer the border is closed the stronger Canada gets. The ranchers that are still standing will be leaner and meaner and they will know who their friends really are. Canada is years ahead of the US and when BSE is found, they will have to deal with it without a national ID system, the words of R-CALF haunting them and questionable credibility when it comes to the handleing of the first BSE case. Some of the US guys think it is funny to see Canadians hurting but what goes around comes around.
Some of the US guys think it is funny to see Canadians hurting but what goes around comes around.

How about all the US producers that were hurt when kept out of your country by your regulations that you just happen to drop because it is a bargin chip. Otherwise with no BSE case the regulations would still be there.
Rancher I am puzzled, just how did the restrictions on Blue Tounge and Anaplasmosis affect you or your neighbours. Canada is a net exporting country of beef, the exchange rate didnt make sense to sell cattle into canada and we have these long cold winters that restrict cattle gains :wink: .

I sat on a fence looking over a pen of bulls at Midlands in 1999 with Leo, and he could tell me how this was hurting the feeding industry. I agree it hurt some purebred breeders, like Cimmaron from Oklahoma, cause most of his bulls at midlands tested positive for BT, but they still sold. The one it hurt was me, cause it restricted the bulls which i could buy with confidence. Also any bulls I was interested, Leo would have pre tested, so that I knew they would pass and be exportable. This is something I know lots about, after selling bulls and heifers to the USA, and buying breeding stock in the USA for over 10 years.
The posters that talk about "when" BSE is found in the states still amaze me...
They WON'T find it unless it suits their agenda, like Randy said a day or so ago, right about now is when a past case will suddenly "surface" specifically designed to bite R-calf in the butt, and slow thier ego down a notch, although they know that isn't without it's consequenses either.
The U.S. is full of BS(E) and they know it, but they're also too afraid of the precedence and the hole they've already dug for themselves to actually come clean with it. No worries, Canada, we can work this to our advantage.
No worries U.S., we'll have the slaughter capacity and the traceback and soon the cash flow back to be able to bid on YOUR cattle ( keep your prices strong! ) and be able to re-label it "product of Canada" (after all WE brought it up, WE processed it, WE guarantee it to be safe KNOWING where it came from and that the SRM's WERE actually removed...I'd say that makes it ours - good idea y'all have that mcool, don't mind if we use it, since you guys don't need the rest of the world, maybe we'd like to need the rest of the world). No worries, it's all good! Have a good night all from Canada.
Sash, just wondering why you think we should dis-continue the building of slaughter plants if the border opens.

This whole experience has shown us how political these types of trade disputes are. Canada should continue to add-value to our "raw" resources. The finished product trade is protected by free trade agreements etc.

I actually hope the soft-wood lumber and durum wheat producers are also taking note. There is no reason why we can't finish these products in Canada and ship the "boxed" value-added product.

I totally agree with you, Murgen. Canadians should be selling more processed ag products instead of shipping raw materials like live cattle and wheat. The thing is what we should be doing is often different from what we will do. If it is easier to let the Americans take care of our processing for us, then that is what we will do. We seem to be so apathetic (pathetic?) that way. I still contend that we would still have packing plants in Manitoba if the Americans hadn't outcompeted us for our own beef. It is my hope that all this extra branding and age verification that needs to be done to ship to the US may give Canadians a competitive edge in processing costs.
As far as BSE goes, the US has very different motivations than us for testing for BSE. We know we have it and the world knows we have it so we test as much as we can on all the highest risk animals to prove that the incidence is really low. The US is trying to show they don't have any BSE, so they are more selective in the type of animals they are testing while trying to keep their numbers up to try and show the world they have no BSE. The problem is they keep getting leaks like the Texas cow and the world is skeptical of their testing program. Personally, I believe that some cases of BSE must be naturally occurring because this disease didn't just appear out of thin air so if there are a certain number of naturally occurring cases and these countries with large herds aren't finding them, where are they going? Into the food chain? JMHO
rancher said:
Some of the US guys think it is funny to see Canadians hurting but what goes around comes around.

How about all the US producers that were hurt when kept out of your country by your regulations that you just happen to drop because it is a bargin chip. Otherwise with no BSE case the regulations would still be there.

The same regulations that some states had in place against one another...
frenchie said:
rancher said:
Some of the US guys think it is funny to see Canadians hurting but what goes around comes around.

How about all the US producers that were hurt when kept out of your country by your regulations that you just happen to drop because it is a bargin chip. Otherwise with no BSE case the regulations would still be there.

The same regulations that some states had in place against one another...

frenchie- most of those states weren't even players in the game- How many cattle does New York or New Jersey import or feed in a year?
Oldtimer said:
frenchie said:
rancher said:
Some of the US guys think it is funny to see Canadians hurting but what goes around comes around.

How about all the US producers that were hurt when kept out of your country by your regulations that you just happen to drop because it is a bargin chip. Otherwise with no BSE case the regulations would still be there.

The same regulations that some states had in place against one another...

frenchie- most of those states weren't even players in the game- How many cattle does New York or New Jersey import or feed in a year?

Ot that does not matter ...its a double standardwhen the new Cdn regs come online.. it will be easier for U.S ranchers to ship cattle north ..then between your own states...thats total Bullsh!t. .The rules should be the same between both countries..
frenchie said:
Oldtimer said:
frenchie said:
The same regulations that some states had in place against one another...

frenchie- most of those states weren't even players in the game- How many cattle does New York or New Jersey import or feed in a year?

Ot that does not matter ...its a double standardwhen the new Cdn regs come online.. it will be easier for U.S ranchers to ship cattle north ..then between your own states...thats total BS. .The rules should be the same between both countries..

Frenchie- I agree- and in order to make sure we don't have double standards we should just close down the border- both ways...simple and taken care of.........

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