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Cardon Credits

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RobertMac said:
mrj said:
RobertMac, certainly I know what envirowacko's CLAIM about cattle and greenhouse gasses. Do you think mere claims are scientifically verifiable?

mrj, there is a lot of "politically correct" and "industry purchased" science that is claimed to be verifiable. This is done by accepting a conclusion and then developing or selectively using only the data that supports the desired conclusion.

Man-made global climate change is the "PC" conclusion...nature's factors that cause climate change are the undesired and ignored data.

The war on saturated fats is another example...after thirty years of a campaign against eating saturated fats(stop eating red meat according to the MD's and diet dictocrats)and promoting eating more grain products to improve the health of the USA population, the population is more obese that ever!!!!!! The processed food industry that makes money using cheap grain products has "purchased" the science and being against using animals for food is "PC"!!!

Also, keep in mind grants to fund scientific research can be politically influenced... not all "good scientific projects" can get funded.
This whole carbon credits deal smells like a farce to me. Nobody can pay cash for sins and have them washed away. As well, who is quailfied to profit for someone else's sins? I use the word "sins" quite loosely here, but it's basically the same deal. Some big compay gets penalized for creating pollution and then farmers/ranchers make money since their business plan happens to be one that includes the land, plants and animals? C'mon. I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night.

Really, a bum on the street should be able to sell credits. He doesn't own a car, doesn't burn fuel to heat a house, etc., etc. He probably gets a meal or two from someone else's trash, so he's cleaning up the place!! 8) :shock: 8)

I switched from driving to work everyday to working from the house. Where do I sign up? SOMEONE NEEDS TO PAY ME :!: :roll:

What a joke.
>>This whole carbon credits deal smells like a farce to me. Nobody can pay cash for sins and have them washed away. As well, who is quailfied to profit for someone else's sins? I use the word "sins" quite loosely here, but it's basically the same deal. Some big compay gets penalized for creating pollution and then farmers/ranchers make money since their business plan happens to be one that includes the land, plants and animals? C'mon. I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night. <<

You've boiled it down real good right there.

When somebody threw the BS flag on Gore for his huge house and $14,000 electric bills and flying all over the world, his reply was "I buy carbon credits, so I am TOTALLY carbon neutral."

This has great appeal to the latte liberal crowd. They can have their 5800sf homes drive three SUVs, fly to three vacations a year but if they "buy" carbon credits or their company does they don't have a guilty conscious.

Kinda like bangin the secretary and thinking a few hail marys makes it all OK.
:?: I see nobody has come on and said They have gotten a cheque . Cource in a Con Game there would not be a paper trail :lol: :lol:
A neighbour recently sold his ranch to a foreign intrest (Arabs) that needed green space for carbon credits. He sold it sight unseen, and they will likely never see it. But he did get a million or two over market and gets to rent the place back for cheap for twenty years. Seeing as he's less than 20 yrs from retirement age I guess he did allright.
But it is a joke. That land didn't just appear and start soaking up carbon just because they bought it, but now they can continue polluting as per usual with a clean conscience. Go figger.
Trading carbon credits is the ultimate con game...people betting their money on something they can't see, can't touch, can't smell, and can't control!?!?!? :? :?
This is exactly what i was talking about a couple days ago.
Now do you understand??

Cow tax proposal would threaten agriculture viability

"With the economy in bad shape and the possibility of a deep recession looming, the Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to levy new taxes—on cows and pigs," American Farm Bureau Federation Director of Regulatory Relations Rick Krause told Wyoming Farm Bureau members at their annual meeting. Krause spoke in Sheridan on Nov. 7.

"This is no laughing matter," Krause said. "The cow tax and the pig tax are parts of a larger scheme by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act."

"Under the proposal, if a state charged the "presumptive minimum rate" from the EPA, the cow tax would be $175 per dairy cow, $87.50 per head for beef cattle and a little more than $20 per pig," Krause explained.

Krause explained that the U.S. Department of Agriculture says that a producer with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 hogs would emit more than 100 tons of carbon and be subject to the permitting requirements. "These thresholds would impact 99 percent of dairy producers, over 90 percent of beef producers and 95 percent of hog producers in the United States," Krause stated.

According to Krause, the EPA has issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in preparation to regulate automobile greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act (CAA). "The regulation of automobile emissions automatically initiates other provisions of the CAA," Krause explained. "One of those provisions requires permits from anyone who emits more than 100 tons of a regulated pollutant per year and there are millions of sources that emit more than 100 tons of carbon."

The comment period ends November 28 2008
comments to:

[email protected] be sure and include
Docket # EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0318
:P Thus the circle is complete. They pay you for carbon sinks then kick you between the legs and grab the cheque back if you have cows. But if you sell the Cows let the farm go to weeds and open a quaint little Bed and Breakfest all will be O.K. :mad: :mad:
You know what the real irony is, cowzilla? The quaint little bed'n'breakfast will likely make you more money than a hundred cows anyway, ! :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :cowboy:
Lonecowboy said:
This is exactly what i was talking about a couple days ago.
Now do you understand??

Cow tax proposal would threaten agriculture viability

"With the economy in bad shape and the possibility of a deep recession looming, the Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to levy new taxes—on cows and pigs," American Farm Bureau Federation Director of Regulatory Relations Rick Krause told Wyoming Farm Bureau members at their annual meeting. Krause spoke in Sheridan on Nov. 7.

"This is no laughing matter," Krause said. "The cow tax and the pig tax are parts of a larger scheme by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act."

"Under the proposal, if a state charged the "presumptive minimum rate" from the EPA, the cow tax would be $175 per dairy cow, $87.50 per head for beef cattle and a little more than $20 per pig," Krause explained.

Krause explained that the U.S. Department of Agriculture says that a producer with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 hogs would emit more than 100 tons of carbon and be subject to the permitting requirements. "These thresholds would impact 99 percent of dairy producers, over 90 percent of beef producers and 95 percent of hog producers in the United States," Krause stated.

According to Krause, the EPA has issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in preparation to regulate automobile greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act (CAA). "The regulation of automobile emissions automatically initiates other provisions of the CAA," Krause explained. "One of those provisions requires permits from anyone who emits more than 100 tons of a regulated pollutant per year and there are millions of sources that emit more than 100 tons of carbon."

The comment period ends November 28 2008
comments to:

[email protected] be sure and include
Docket # EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0318

Yep the governments push to implement NAIS (Mandatory ID) makes more sense every day...It would give them exact count of how many cattle to tax everybody on... :( :mad:

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