rkaiser and BC
I can only speak for myself.
My wife and I sold cows to buy the home ranch in the early 90's. We kept the "culls" and ran some share cows. Got into yearlings and did alright the first year, but winter spring of 96/97 kind of kicked our butts. Didn't spend enough on yearlings and too much on operating and had a pretty big note to pay off that fall, when all of the yearlings were sold. Sold what few cows we had built up and went back to share cattle. Took in stockers on a per head basis and made some money so kept with that as we slowly started building a herd again. Stockers were making us money, but we kept building cows as it seemed like it was the thing to do, until a drough came along and hay cost $100 a ton. So we again sold down to just a few and have been taking in stockers. Over all theses years I finally came to realise that what I had to sell was my GRASS and EXPERIENCE. Well, duh! So now I sell my grass in the way that will make me the most money. I've caught some hell from friends and nieghbors who think I'm crazy, lazy or just plain stupid to run cattle as I do. Ever notice that when you do things different from the norm, people are a little scared of you! :lol:
Everytime I try to do what the crowd is doing, I seem to lose money. If it don't pencil, then I don't do it. I run this ranch as a business.
I would love to get into grass finished cattle and sell the meat instead of the calf or yearling or whatever. I am slowly working towards that. If I'm going to get vertical integrated, I want to be at the top and make all the money that the middle man makes. I realise that there is much to be learned and mistakes to be made, but I think there will cowboys and cattle as long as there is land to run them on. I know that I can sell my beef off the ranch and do as good or better than selling them.
I don't like some of the changes that are coming, but feel that I am mature enough to know that the only thing that doesn't change is that everything changes!
Seems funny that I am getting more and more into running cattle as my grandfather did.
So I guess the bottom line is, I'll keep doing what I am doing until I die, or the run me off or it ain't fun no more!
One of my goals is to run this ranch with only one tractor, a pickup and a saddle horse and no operating debt. I've almost got to that point. Hope I can keep on making a living at it and pass it on to the next generation at some point down the road.
If either of you come up with a sure fire plan, just let me know.
PS. I'm getting kind of tired of all the doom and gloom about this business that is being posted on this site. And I know that there are those out there who are really struggling and they have my prayers. Hope things get turned around for them. It's always darkest right before dawn!
Hell, if ranchin' was easy, everybody would be doing it! :lol: