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Cattle Alert: U.S. To Accept Japanese Beef; Great News For

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Feb 11, 2005
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Cattle Alert: U.S. To Accept Japanese Beef; Great News For U.S.

Is the USDA going to require mandatory BSE testing on these Jap Cattle????

In the attached article link, http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20050404-00000054-jij-bus_all, the Japanese Yahoo newswire says that Secretary Johans at a press conference stated that the United States would accept Japanese beef (Kobe Beef) that conforms to the North American trade rule agreed upon by the U.S., Canada and Mexico. This is great news for the U.S. It would be the first step that must happen in order for trade to resume with Japan per the JS-Japan joint release last October. See the excerpt from the letter below.

Joint Press Statement For The Resumption Of Trade In Beef And Beef Products by the Government of United States and the Government of the Japan October 23, 2004

On October 21, 22 and 23, 2004, the Government of the United States (USG) and the Government of Japan (GOJ) held Director-General level consultations in Tokyo on the resumption of beef trade between the two countries. During the meetings, the GOJ explained the review process of domestic measures against BSE. The USG explained their domestic measures taken against BSE and presented basic ideas for the resumption of two-way beef trade.

The USG and GOJ, as a result of their consultation, shared the view that under the following conditions and modalities the two countries will resume two-way trade in beef and beef products, subject to their respective domestic approval processes, based upon science. Further details of some conditions and modalities remain to be worked out by experts and working-level officials of both countries by the time of the actual
resumption of trade.
Well I don't want any Jap beef so I hope we get COOL in place first. We may just have to take their beef if that is what it takes to sell them ours. Just let the consumer make up is own mind.
Well thats wonderful news. One would assume that R-CALF would be all over this though. I hope they don't ruin it for you guys.
Silver said:
Well thats wonderful news. One would assume that R-CALF would be all over this though. I hope they don't ruin it for you guys.

Silver if R-CALF allows this to happen they will be showing the world this is not really about food safety only the money. Japan has had 16 cases in a much smaller herd and they have only had their feed bans in place since 2001 This should be enough to keep them out of the minimal risk catagory. If R-CALF doesn't take the USDA to court to stop this it will be because of the huge export market and increase in US beef prices. The ball is in R-CALFs court to see just what they believe. Is BSE a non issue in Japan and free to trade or is it a big issue and no exports are worth the risk.
if the USA opens the border to japan, wont this add fuel to the law suits going around? It should only help the ones suing .
if the american border opens to japanese product it means r-calf can fight at least a two front war. hopefully their resources get depleted pretty quickly. if they don't fight the japanese imports it means they have given up.
Tam said:
Silver said:
Well thats wonderful news. One would assume that R-CALF would be all over this though. I hope they don't ruin it for you guys.

Silver if R-CALF allows this to happen they will be showing the world this is not really about food safety only the money. Japan has had 16 cases in a much smaller herd and they have only had their feed bans in place since 2001 This should be enough to keep them out of the minimal risk catagory. If R-CALF doesn't take the USDA to court to stop this it will be because of the huge export market and increase in US beef prices. The ball is in R-CALFs court to see just what they believe. Is BSE a non issue in Japan and free to trade or is it a big issue and no exports are worth the risk.

Tam- Kobe beef is already labeled- but I'll bet MCOOL will be in effect before this Japanese beef comes into the US-- The consumers will have a choice rather than the current situation where the packers can shove off Canadian beef as a US product-- Consumers should be able to make the choice on the safety of what they buy and eat.........
reader (the Second) said:
Tam said:
Silver said:
Well thats wonderful news. One would assume that R-CALF would be all over this though. I hope they don't ruin it for you guys.

Silver if R-CALF allows this to happen they will be showing the world this is not really about food safety only the money. Japan has had 16 cases in a much smaller herd and they have only had their feed bans in place since 2001 This should be enough to keep them out of the minimal risk catagory. If R-CALF doesn't take the USDA to court to stop this it will be because of the huge export market and increase in US beef prices. The ball is in R-CALFs court to see just what they believe. Is BSE a non issue in Japan and free to trade or is it a big issue and no exports are worth the risk.

Correct me if I'm wrong but Japan tests all cattle which means (1) they would be likely to have more cases than a country which tests only 1% or .01% or .001%; (2) if they test all cattle then cattle that enter the food chain are as safe as can be guaranteed given current test sensitivity whereas in other countries we do NOT test every animal, far from it.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the OIE say that testing the cattle is only to find the prevelance of BSE in your herd not for food safety. Japan can test everything they slaughter but do they also remove the SRM's as that is what makes the meat save to eat. The test can be wrong and just because you tested the meat doesn't according to OIE science make the meat any safer.

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