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Cattle prices

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Mike said:
I've been sweating in my shop today getting a hay cutter ready for the season. Does that qualify? :wink:

NO because you are a known packah blamer..............good luck PS does your neighbor still have that ole John Deere?

Yep, it's a "B" I am pretty sure. Want me to drive it out there so you can look at it? :wink:

He's got a New Holland small square baler with the gasoline motor hooked to it. Would be quite a rig for the "Haymaker" to show off.
Mike said:
Mike said:
I've been sweating in my shop today getting a hay cutter ready for the season. Does that qualify? :wink:

NO because you are a known packah blamer..............good luck PS does your neighbor still have that ole John Deere?

Yep, it's a "B" I am pretty sure. Want me to drive it out there so you can look at it? :wink:

No but if you run across any model A,s that are unstyled let me know.............good luck
China is fast becoming the dominant force in world economics. Now, a worst case senario: They already run the Panama Canal, so they shut it off to all countries but them, and those who follow their idealism..........Now, the USA just won't stand forthat crap, and we will fight for what is rightfully ours. All those Canadian ships will need this passage, so will Canada join the Chinese and use it for free, or back the Americans and fight for it???
I only ask because I see it as a very real possibility, and the large amount of Frenchmen in Canada.....and we all know how well the French defend themselves!!!

Globalization sucks, but it is a fact of life. We bend over too much, and we need to give more countries the finger!!
jigs said:
China is fast becoming the dominant force in world economics. Now, a worst case senario: They already run the Panama Canal, so they shut it off to all countries but them, and those who follow their idealism..........Now, the USA just won't stand forthat crap, and we will fight for what is rightfully ours. All those Canadian ships will need this passage, so will Canada join the Chinese and use it for free, or back the Americans and fight for it???
I only ask because I see it as a very real possibility, and the large amount of Frenchmen in Canada.....and we all know how well the French defend themselves!!!

Globalization sucks, but it is a fact of life. We bend over too much, and we need to give more countries the finger!!
Canada wont back us in a fight ,they already proved that..........good luck
Silver said:
Maple Leaf Angus said:
S.S.A.P. said:
So in other words you do not want to sell anything to them either?

How about purchasing oil?

S.S.A.P. - Take it easy on ot, you are confusing him with reality. Y'oughta know better and show some respect for seniors. I would hope that in the future you would challenge his faculties a little less. :lol:

That's right, you gotta take it easy on him. He doesn't understand what sort of country he would be living in if not for trade with other countries. Sometimes God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
Here's a typical protectionist caused screw up for you:
Only US ships can haul goods from one US port to another. Sounds logical to some old folks.... until you find out that there are no US ships that haul cattle. So now try to haul cattle from Hawaii to the lower 48. Suddenly your northern socialist neighbour's port looks pretty inviting, putting Canadian dock workers and trucking companies to work moving these cattle.
See how smart it is to be protectionist? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

You Canadians are right- we will again pull your butts out of the fire and help raise your economic standards- Fed the UK and Europe when they were starving- financed the world during the 40's and 50's- Saved the UK and your commenwealth with our industrial and agricultural might- protected North America from Japanese occupation... built up your feeding and packing capability in the 90's at the detriment to the US cattle producer-- and will again since Canada can't sell their beef without the USDA stamp---But Canadians of all should know about putting all your eggs in one basket..... Canada did that with their cattle and beef industry and have been bitching for the last two years when the powers to be ruled that their cattle were unsafe--- Why should the US put all our manufacturing and Ag industry requirements into a world trade that is as unstable as whoever happens to be the political power in charge with the next coup or political uprising?
"help", "Fed", "Financed", "Saved", "built up" ...... sorry to break the news Oldtimer, but there was black smoke coming out of the papal chimney, you didn't win the vote, they're burning the ballots.
S.S.A.P. said:
"help", "Fed", "Financed", "Saved", "built up" ...... sorry to break the news Oldtimer, but there was black smoke coming out of the papal chimney, you didn't win the vote, they're burning the ballots.

BOBL now that's a good one. :cowboy: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Which fight you talkin about Willis. WW1, WW2,Korea , Afganistan. Be more specific.
Big Muddy rancher said:
S.S.A.P. said:
"help", "Fed", "Financed", "Saved", "built up" ...... sorry to break the news Oldtimer, but there was black smoke coming out of the papal chimney, you didn't win the vote, they're burning the ballots.

BOBL now that's a good one. :cowboy: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Which fight you talkin about Willis. WW1, WW2,Korea , Afganistan. Be more specific.

SSAP- didn't think I was in the running- since I don't buy into political correctness necessary of even a Pope....Think of the last 100+ years and what kept the free world going-- it definitely wasn't Dudley Dooright and the Skidoo manufacturers :roll: And its pretty well evident Canadians can't sell beef without the US business approval and USDA stamp or you would be shipping all the everbuilding glut worldwide....
Guess i've been speaking out of ignorance about you , ot. It is beginning to sink in now. You actually believe what you are saying. And here the prof's have been telling us that constructivism is a post-modern phenomenon.
That rolling sound you just heard is not thunder. It is the sound of the lately deceased Pope John Paul rolling over in his grave. He heard someone call him "politically correct"! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Holy crap OT, your fanatical beliefs are one step away from white supremicism. I'm glad most americans aren't like you. I can see your pretty proud of your country.... thats fine. We are proud of ours too, so lay off. I'm sick to death of you american whiners (not the rest of you americans, just the whiners) that feel as though you have been carrying the free world on your back for the last century or two. The rest of the world sees it different, just so's you know. This sort of self riteous crap is exactly the sort of thing that make America a target. It makes me embarrassed to have american roots.
Take some time and think what your country would be like if you built a wall around it and let no trade in or out. Tell me how you'd survive. You just can't accept the fact that you rely on others to provide goods and services to you.
As far as marketing beef goes, try and tell that story to someone more gullible than me.

I'm guessing your late for your kkk meeting...
Silver said:
Take some time and think what your country would be like if you built a wall around it and let no trade in or out. Tell me how you'd survive.

Don't build that north wall too tight. It would need a few holes in it to let some oil leak through. :wink:
Maple Leaf Angus said:
That rolling sound you just heard is not thunder. It is the sound of the lately deceased Pope John Paul rolling over in his grave. He heard someone call him "politically correct"! :shock: :shock: :shock:

MLA-Silver- Do you really believe the next Pope will be chosen by who is most deserving, scholarly, religious, or capable? I'll bet instead it will be whoever fits into a geographical, idealistic, cultural, and maybe even racial profile that can best benefit the Catholic Church and maintain or build the following-- Not talking because I'm biased or racist or anything- its just the way its been done.......
You do have a point there, ot, but little as i know about the R.C. church, I would never have thought of political correctness being high on their list of expediencies in selecting the next Pope.
now that i think about it, this is too funny. Where else but on ranchers could we get into a discussion about the qualifications of the next Pope in a cattle prices thread? :lol: :lol:
I'm a little embarrassed to say I know nothing about the catholic church, so I couldn't possibly make an informed opinion on the matter.
reader (the Second) said:
Maple Leaf Angus said:
And here the prof's have been telling us that constructivism is a post-modern phenomenon.

I cannot believe I read it here '' constructivism is a post-modern phenomenon ..." Woo hoo. I was out of academia too long; when I went back temporarily thank god, this post modernism stuff was all over the place. What's that about?

i could barely wrap my mind around it when i was wide awake in class for the past semester. Could we just go to sleep and talk it over in the morning?
MapleLeaf that's because R-Calfer's are holier than thou doncha know. OT in case you forgot we fought WWII for three years before you guys bothered to join up-don't make us kick your butta again like we did in 1812 lol.
Northern Rancher said:
MapleLeaf that's because R-Calfer's are holier than thou doncha know. OT in case you forgot we fought WWII for three years before you guys bothered to join up-don't make us kick your butta again like we did in 1812 lol.

Oh yeah, 1812.

Aww, shucks. :oops:

It was nothin', really.

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