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Challenge to Data warehouses

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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I have never seen an audit of how many actual records these private data warehouses have in their book? Seems like all of them tell how great they are, but we NEVER see just how many head of livestock they have in the system? Guess what? you never will until the Government accepts them as part of the Individual ID deal.
AS for NCBA in the data business..............God help us ALL! :roll:
CattleCo, are you familiar with the CCIA and how it was formed and administered?
Never seen an audit of how many actual records these private data warehouses have in their book?CattleCo quotes.

Would you expect anyone would use them if their wasn't for security and being web-based for use on PDA's an Internet cell phones.Second We have online software and do not do data warehousing as a business ,CattleCo.As per your question above ,how many cattle do you own and what is your assets worth and are you giving out your credit card numbers as I need to know how much money you have on your books? I hope you see how foolish these remarks and questions of yours(CattleCo) are when placed in a Negative way.The technology of TODAY is not a pieice of disk software that you deal in,it is web-based internet systems that do multi operations to provide information,recordkeeping and data exchange nomatter where you stand on earth in real time.I hope this satisfied
"Would you expect anyone would use them if their wasn't for security and being web-based for use on PDA's an Internet cell phones.Second We have online software and do not do data warehousing as a business ,"

What a crock of crap!!!!!!!!!!!! I suppose Bin Laden is going to use the number of food animals in a data ware house to plot terrorist activities :roll: :roll:
Online software......................more reason to worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO DATA WAREHOUSE HAS SHOWED A PROFIT TO DATE IN THE CATTLE BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and you know it BB! IF you think it is so lucrative.......do a IPO!
Who Needs an IPO ,we surely Don't, NO DATA WAREHOUSE HAS SHOWED A PROFIT TO DATE IN THE CATTLE BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE agree and they never will so thats why we do Crops, container's,national and international animal traceback to health records for crops and animals and other countries BioTerrorism systems.
CattleCo, I am not sure exactly what you mean when you say "private data warehouse," but let me make a couple of statements and then ask a question. Ok?

First of all, I do not consider a benchmarking system to be just a data warehouse, but a benchmarking system can contain a lot of data - confidential, of course. And most of that data (except for individual company numbers) is available to all members who participate in the benchmarking study. Speaking from 20 years of experience in this field in agriculture, a lot of good information can be generated in a good benchmarking system that can help individual companies know where they need to make changes to consistently be in the Top Third (in terms of profitability), year after year which is the key to survival in commodity agriculture.

Just such a system has been developed for the cow-calf business, but is not in use yet. Would you like to take a look at it? If you would, then send me an email, and I will give you the address. Then, I wouldn't mind getting some comments from you about the system. As far as I'm concerned, you can even post them in this chat room. Perhaps that would lead to more discussion about a subject that I KNOW!!! can be a real plus for the cow-calf producer who depends on his or her ranching business to feed the family and provide a future for the kids.

Maybe it's time for more cow-calf producers to learn what other COMPETITORS (eg pork and poultry) in agriculture have known for at least 40 years, and that includes Cargill and Tyson. I know, because I worked with both of those companies in a benchmarking program.

By the way, the benchmarking companies I know about have always been profitable. Profitable not just for a few years, but for at least 3 decades.

How about it?

STAFF at www.scoringag.com Quote; WE agree and they(data warehouses) never will so thats why we do :Crops, container's,national and international animal traceback, health records for crops and animals and other countries BioTerrorism systems.

This why I use the www.scoringag.com Ranch to Fork recordkeeping systems that is the best deal yet made for agriculture that does many jobs as per this press release ;August 24, 2005

ScoringAg Closes Traceback and Traceup Gap
With Unique Packing Plant Application

ScoringAg's packing plant system ensures that the live animal's unique ID and other data are carried through the packing plant during processing onto the consumer.

ScoringAg's extensive Web-based livestock database provides the vital Site-Specific Recordkeeping™ necessary to verify the animal's history from birth to the packing plant's receiving dock and holding pen. The real-time database keeps track of all relevant information about the animal's birth, ownership, care and feeding, medical treatment, transport, and all details necessary to provide complete point-to-point source verification.

Until now, when the live animal enters the packing plant, specific unique identity is often lost completely at slaughter. ScoringAg's packing plant system has changed this with a unique means of capturing the live animal's ID and other data, and passing it through the slaughtering and fabrication processes along with the various products that are produced – from carcass (including hide, organs, and other items at slaughter) to sides, quarters, primal parts, and finally to the commodity cuts.

Unlike many elaborate packing plant production management systems (which often fail to keep track of individual animals as they are processed), ScoringAg's packing plant system is simple and does not require reorganizing or rewiring the plant, or changing the flow pattern of fabrication. Instead, ScoringAg provides strategically placed scan-and-print barcode-based information processing stations to transfer unique RFID animal ID and other data with the animal products as they are processed.

ScoringAg's packing plant system is currently being installed and is receiving much favorable comment as to its effectiveness, ease of use, and ability to integrate easily with the packing plant's processes. In the near future, the plant system is scheduled for installation in several medium- and large-scale packing plants in Central and South America. Because of the modular nature of its information processing stations, the system is scalable: it is able to meet the needs of the smallest custom packer, local locker and at the same time adapt to the demands of the largest high-speed processing line.

ScoringAg.com and its traceback and traceup system for agriculture products, featuring Site-Specific Recordkeeping™ and PIDC location code, is one of the many divisions of ScoringSystem, Inc., which is located in Sarasota, Florida USA and specializes in providing solutions with mobile data, via wireless PDAs, laptops, and Semacode-programmed Nokia, Siemens, and Sony Ericsson cell phones. Whether using RFID or barcodes for tracking and traceback of livestock, transport containers or perishable commodities and other consumer goods, www.ScoringAg.com makes managing data easier – and does it in an extremely cost effective manner.
CattleCo, I am not sure exactly what you mean when you say "private data warehouse," but let me make a couple of statements and then ask a question. Ok?

We have a lot of them.....Private Datawarehouses. NCAB is trying to create another one!
"First of all, I do not consider a benchmarking system to be just a data warehouse, but a benchmarking system can contain a lot of data - confidential, of course. And most of that data (except for individual company numbers) is available to all members who participate in the benchmarking study. Speaking from 20 years of experience in this field in agriculture, a lot of good information can be generated in a good benchmarking system that can help individual companies know where they need to make changes to consistently be in the Top Third (in terms of profitability), year after year which is the key to survival in commodity agriculture. "


Private Data Warehouse and Benchmarking are not really the same. Storing Data without "working the data" has no value........Benchmarking is "working the data" That is GOOD !
I'm in the book www.cattleco.com
Storing Data without "working the data" has no value........

This is So True about recordkeeping. One note about www.scoringag.com is that we don't do benchmarking either as their are large security gaps where the possiblity of producers data is shifted to unscrupulous companies that do data mining for their benifit or for sale.

Have you folks ever been involved in a real benchmarking program, either as a provider of data or as a customer of a service? My guess is you have not.

The first thing any real benchmarking service learns as they go about introducing and promoting the business is that confidentiality reigns supreme. It is absolutely 100% essential or there is no program. The producer makes that very clear in the initial visit about the service, and he continues to make it clear through the years.

Benchmarking companies could not have survived 30 years in a row without confidentiality. Yes, the digital age offers new challenges (as all new ages do), but they are being met. The benchmarking companies realize that they have to be met, because "without victory there is no survival."

I believe your comments are made without the benefit of talking to owners of benchmarking service companies. If you talk to one or more of them, you will find out that they understand that individual client data is never shared with anyone but the producer. Group averages, on the other hand, can be handled in different ways.

Participants in an individual program can influence the service provider to share or not to share group averages with allied industry. Almost 100% of the time when the decision is made to share the data, it is with the goal in mind of leading to lower input costs for the participating producers, and it usually works out that way.

For example, if a particular state or region is showing a lower cost for vaccine, pressure will be brought on the vaccine company to lower the cost in the high cost state or region. This will, in turn, lower the overall cost of producing beef which will enable it compete more favorably with pork and poultry. It is also good for the vaccine company to be able to get an idea of how much the use of the product is contributing to the cost effective production of a commodity, and whether or not they need to make changes to contribute more (in areas such as livability, weight gain, feed efficiency, etc.).

So, even though there are many good reasons to have an effective benchmarking program that will involve many producers and allied companies, confidentiality must still be there or the producer who feels his or her data may have been compromised simply will not stay in the program. History shows, rather than producers leaving a program for reasons like that, 99.9% of producers who leave a program leave because they were acquired by another company or because they have chosen to leave the business voluntarily (which can be for many reasons).

I have known producers who quit the business once they became convinced they were in the Bottom Third, because they did not want to (or couldn't) make the capital investment necessary to effect changes required to get into the Middle or Top Third and make a profit. They chose to get out while they still had something that could be sold that had value.

Most folks like you believe the way you do because you have never really had anything to do with a successful program that has the correct mission in place of helping producers. You choose to believe that it can not be done, so why bother. And some individual producers think the same way. Many can not generate enough trust to try and work with a service provider to create and perpetuate a program that will help them. Also, many are slaves to ego; afraid of what someone might think about them if they turn out to be in the Bottom Third (family and friends they share their data with) rather that saying, "Wow! I really care about my family, so I have got to make some changes! Thank God I know what to work on."

Yes, I've heard it all - on both sides. From those who are afraid, and from those who have participated in a program for 20 years straight and wouldn't dream of giving up their thumb on the pulse of how the industry is changing backed up by real data.

Thanks for your time.

Your turn.
This one sentence say it all, those who have participated in a program for 20 years straight and wouldn't dream of giving up their thumb on the pulse of how the industry is changing .They would be left out of the LOOP of data.
From our side we deal in 210 countrys + ag producers to their customers info from FIELD to FORK and a lot of countrys would not even let us keep records for brokers ,shippers and regulatory if we used Benchmarking.
STAFF Quote;we deal in 210 countrys + ag producers to their customers info from FIELD to FORK and a lot of countrys would not even let us keep records for brokers ,shippers and regulatory if we used Benchmarking.

One big reason I keep my records in www.scoringag.com is the data is more secure than my credit cards,noboddy will take the risk of hacking My data ,and if my office burns down tonight ,I still got my Ag Records,besides I carry my records on my cell phone with me all the time.
Cell phones are not secure, you should know that! And your system is not anything that anybody does not have.

And I am sure you know that, or you wouldn't be on here day after day, after day, flogging it.

Take a sales course soon Porker, you will learn what FAB's are and then maybe then you can explain what your system has that others don't.

Trying to sell something that others can duplicate, and harping on the issue, only breeds dis-engagement.

If I was looking for a tracking system, and I work with many feedlots( and was looking for a tracking system quite recently, sent an email, you didn't respond, another sign of a great product)! I would never look at your system, you have pissed me off with your constant pressure, like you have done with many others on this site.

Good luck!
Was looking for a tracking system quite recently, sent an email, you didn't respond, another sign of a great product)! Where and when was that email sent????? I just got the chance to get my SPID number when the Staff talked to me.
OK, dumb me ,I didn't see the PMes above dated Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:28 pm. My Fault but I never got to sell till just of late.

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