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Feb 13, 2005
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China approves 19 more Australian meat plants for export.

Australian beef, sheep, and goat meat exports to China are set to increase following the Chinese government's approval of another 19 Australia meat processing plants for export. This brings the total number of plants approved so far to 35.

Australian Trade Minister Mark Vaile said: "This is great news for Australian exporters. China is a significant market for our agriculture exports, and imported around A$50 million worth of high-quality Australian meat in 2004."

Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry Minister Warren Truss said the approval from China means the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service can now recommend the registration of Australian meat processing plants that meet China's specific requirements.

Truss said: "Quarantine and inspection authorities from both countries are working closely together to finalize registration of Australian meat processing establishments wanting to export to China. AQIS is assessing a number of further plants, and will be submitting recommendations to China for approval in the near future."

China will be issuing meat import permits under four existing exemption categories until the end of June, after which product can only be supplied by plants approved by China.
National & World Ag News Headlines
Rice Questions Japanese About Reopening Beef Borders
USAgNet - 02/21/2005

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice raised the issue of Japan lifting completely a ban on imports of U.S. beef during bilateral talks Saturday with her Japanese counterpart Nobutaka Machimura, according to an Associated Press report.. The Japanese understand U.S. concerns and were trying to accelerate procedures 'and made a commitment the issue would be resolved,' U.S. State Department official, who attended the meeting, said.
Hatushisa Takashima, the Japanese foreign ministry spokesman, said beef imports came up in the talks. He added that Japan would make an effort to meet U.S. requests. Earlier this month a Japanese government panel recommended partially lifting the ban, to begin importing U.S grade A40 beef, which comes primarily from cattle aged 12 to 17 months. The government must approve the panel?s recommendation.

The U.S. government welcomed the panel's recommendation, saying it was an important step toward resuming trade. However, some Japanese consumer groups criticized the move, saying it was politically motivated.
We've been hearing the Japan market is about to open for a looooong time now. Meanwhile losing billions in exports. The USDA has caved on the age of cattle, why not go ahead and cave on the testing of every animal? If Creekstone had had their way we would be shipping and the Canadian border would have been open months ago.
Mike said:
We've been hearing the Japan market is about to open for a looooong time now. Meanwhile losing billions in exports. The USDA has caved on the age of cattle, why not go ahead and cave on the testing of every animal? If Creekstone had had their way we would be shipping and the Canadian border would have been open months ago.

Mike, you fool! Caving in to testing would imply a health problem within our herd. Oops, now that I think about it, so does caving into organic beef. Double oops, so does allowing hormone free beef. OK, forget that.

You are a fool after all, Mike! If we allowed testing on Japan's beef, our consumers would rebel when they find out that their's isn't tested! Well, just a minute, they don't seem to care that Europe gets hormone free beef. You know, a whole list of countries won't accept US chickens from certain states, and I'll bet less than a tenth of 1% even know that. OK, scratch that.

Well, you are a fool after all, Mike! If the USDA allowed testing, then everyone would have to test! Think of the huge added expense! But then again, I guess we could always give consumers the choice and they could pay for the added expenses if they wanted tested beef. After testing so many 100 thousand with no positives, things would probably die down, anyway. Hmm, guess that won't cut it.

Now I remember, Mike. Sound science says it is needless to test animals under 30 months! We would just be deceiving the Japanese consumers! Dang it, guess there were those positives of animals under 30 months. Hmmm, seems "sound science" is always changing with time, too. Now that I think of it, I guess the Japanese consumers are the ones who brought up testing in the first place. So that's not a good reason...

NOW I HAVE IT! Japan is't interested in testing anymore. They are going to accept age testing! I think..... the consumers don't seem interested in non-tested US beef. Gee, it seems the Japanese Government has been "going to " accept tested beef for quite some time now and I haven't heard of any ships filled with US beef heading West yet, nor do I understand any are loading up yet.

OK, Mike. I know you're lying somehow. All you R-CALFers are just a bunch of protectionist, lying hypucrites! I'll figure it out and get back to you...... :wink:
Age testing! Ha! You think the Japs are gonna fall for that?
There's no testing to it. It's a subjective decision made by a grader. Funny thing, USDA is trying to sell meat to the Japs from 17 month and younger calves now. Why not just change it to veal? What happened to the OTM's being so safe?
Where's the "sound science"? Oh, I forgot, even that's been changed to "The Best Science Available".
And WE'RE the fools? Surely you jest!
What part of "We have lost the Japan Market" does this board not understand...........???? We will be darn lucky to get half of the previous export deal back. I would suggest we look for other marketing opportunities and quit kissing Japanese butt !

As for testing.....that does NOT admit we have a potential problem. It is a customers request and we blew it! :roll:

For those of us needing to buy a few cattle.....hook up the trailer and be ready March 7!!!!

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