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!%#*& city people !!!!!

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Circle M

Well-known member
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Armstrong British columbia
I have not posted on here for along time , but I always check the site and feel blessed to be a part of it and, just to sit back and soak up all the knowledge... I do feel like i have to post what stupidity i seen today. I was going to pick up a load of hay , before i left i went and checked the girls, One cow (angus about 7 years old) her water had just broke, So off i went to get hay I was gone around an hour and a half , I was driving by the field where my cows are calving and i see a car parked on the side of the road ... then i look in the field and here is my cow running full speed with a calf hanging out of her and behind her is some #!$%$#! guy chasing my cow, I had to do a double take to make sure i was not seeing things, look again and the calf falls out of the cow when she is running full speed, I slammed on my brakes and jumped out of my truck jumped the fence run over to the calf , barley breathing and broke her neck when she hit the ground,,,, Now my blood is boiling , i look up to see this %$#@#$% yuppie standing there , the first thing out of his piss ant mouth is " boy or girl " I said what the hell are you doing chasing my cow ????????? He says i wanted to show my wife a new born calf, and says that the cow was having trouble getting it out so he was trying to help her but she would not stay still for him ....I can not believe my ears and I'm having visions of breaking this guys neck ......By now the cow is pissed and starting to come at us , the last thing i said was , if i ever ever catch you on my land or parked on that road again i will break your neck , He could tell i was pissed i'm pretty sure as i'm sure my face was beet red. When i went back to check on the calf , she was dead, Purebred black angus Heifer dead all because some dam city yuppie wanted to play cowboy and show off to his wife!!!!!!!! I am still so dam mad right now and i felt like this would be a good place to vent :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
You have a better grip on your temper than I do because I would of laid him on his back and then hurled him through the fence like a frisbee! :mad: What a dumb butt! :mad: Bad deal for sure! Sorry about your calf.
Some stories are so whack there is no way you could even make it up. You were too kind to him, I'd for sure be pressing charges against him.
If that were a dog harrassing livestock - in this state he'd have to have been shot...
I think i was in shock at the time... I was excited to get back home and see a new calf..i don't have a big out fit just 30 cows so each new one is great to see ...then when i seen this circus running around my field , i don't think i comprehended everything, but now if i was given a chance to go back ..the way i am feeling , I'm pretty sure his wife would have witnessed a beating :mad: :mad:
Circle M said:
I think i was in shock at the time... I was excited to get back home and see a new calf..i don't have a big out fit just 30 cows so each new one is great to see ...then when i seen this circus running around my field , i don't think i comprehended everything, but now if i was given a chance to go back ..the way i am feeling , I'm pretty sure his wife would have witnessed a beating :mad: :mad:

That's unacceptable Circle M, I hope you got his licence plate...... small debts court..... purebred calf...... court limit $25,000.........

He wouldn't have walked away on his own legs if it had been me.
What a damnable, ignorant, disrespect-able act.... a serious butt kicking is just to good for some people. I'm sure sorry you had to experience something like this.
JUST horrible. Time to put signs up. I would have gotten his license plate # too. He owes you. On this subject, I have seen an increase of IDIOTS thinking it's FUN to chase sheep. Check out youtube- you will see lots of it.
I cannot imagine what I would have done- lots of screaming, that's for sure.
City folk NOT ALL BAD .One time I had a cow calving in a pasture close to the hiway and she was havind trouble, a car stopped and a man in a suit came over and said can I help ? I said yes pull on this rope,soon the calf came and he got covered in S & B. SO I thanked him and offered him a drink. He refused any payment he just said he wanted to know how damn fast it was going when it went in.
Its not just city folks. Just ignert people that don't respect nothin. Found a aluminum base ballbat just inside my fence a while back. Plenty of beer bottles on the outside. Later on a 1 horned bison cow. Go figer.
Justin, you said it, to bad we couldn't use a sharp knife to fix them. Cause stupid people reproduce like rabbits. Your a better man than me I would be in jail right now. You should of told him to say with the calf till his mother got back. :lol: :lol:
Sorry about your calf, FWIW, I agree that the Ag. Deputies should of been called AFTER he got tossed on his ear.

Seems all the major problems I've had with my cattle have been people related :?



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