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Martin Jr.

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2005
Reaction score
north central Nebraska
Clarence injured his knee yesterday while helping a neighbor work cattle. A calf backed up in a chute before he got the bar in place to hold him from backing up and the bar hit him in the leg, knocking him down and breaking a piece off the bone just below his knee. I took him to North Platte, NE to the hospital there where they are to do surgery today. Should be home by Thursday or Friday.
Dang it, that would hurt. Give him our best wishes for a speedy recover.

Tell him to think about all the time he will get to spend here on Ranchers while he is healing up. :wink: Also a good chance to get caught up on some reading. :cowboy:
Sorry to hear about Clarence's injury. Tell him we are praying for a speedy recovery. Also tell him to let the young guys work the cattle, and he just needs to be in a supervisory position. Give him our best.
Get Well Soon..

That phrase must really work my broken hip bones are about healed I can walk around if my wife doesnt catch me.She's a nurse and as strict as a Catholic nun.Ihave a Dr.s Appointment a week from thursday and should get the all clear after that.Good thing cause I'm going to start chopping corn the next day....
The address for the hospital in North Platte is: Great Plains Regional Medical Center, 601 W Leota St, North Platte, NE 69101
Katrina, i think I gave you the wrong zip code
Well, that is sad to hear. We hope he isn't in lots of pain but imagine he must be. Tell him we are praying for a quick recovery and count on him having lots to say meanwhile on the Ranchersnet.

(Martin, I've PM'd you.)
Clarence didn't seem to have a lot of pain unless he tried to move his leg. I just called him at the hospital and he got out of surgery about 2:00 this afternoon, (about 2 1/2 hours ago). They had just put him on a machine to flex his leg for a couple of hours. So seems to be getting along well.

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