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Combines Going Today..

Angus Cattle Shower

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2005
Reaction score
It felt good to be in the drivers seat of the combine in a half decent crop.. Ran the CR9070 all afternoon in peas, bushelling about 15. Its definately not a great crop, but I'm appreciative of the face that its nearly double what last years crop yielded. The TR 97 was in the canola today, I havent heard how that was doing, but it didnt seem much better. Hows it going for everyone else?
We put new rear tires on the 9550 and a new head as well - - - had to add the "quick hook up " as the new head would not hook up without it.

My foster son works at John Deere so when he gets off work there he comes home and I think we have covered every inch on both machines just waiting on the crops now.

We went from every day in the mid 90sF to 102F for the last three weeks with no rain to now we are in the upper 40sF at night and the high keeps getting forcast about 72F but the best we have done iin the last 5 days is 68F and a quarter to a half inch of rain each day!

We should have a diecent crop and we have quite a bit contracted at very good prices so life is good!
Weare a little over 1/2 done on corn. Had to quit today as the moisture is a little high. Traded for a new (used) 9770 the other day so if the kit comes in to change the old corn head over to fit it we'll start back with it. Got a 30' hydra flex with it an can't wait to run it but soybeans are real late this year so that will be awhile yet.
9770 is an awesome machine, only problems we have had is the sensor in the grain pan is hooped so you it doesnt tell you the yields :roll: and the air intake in real canola last year was plugging up all the time, but there was an upgrade they did to it and we havent had a problem since. Ran an 8810 today in canola bushelling about 35. And no, we do not have any case combines! lol. The neighbor needed some help so since i had a touch of heatstroke I got the air conditioned cab. 8)

Have a safe and bountiful harvest!

The old one


The new one
Going to keep my old 844 corn head because I graze the stalks, the new ones grind up the stalks to much. Getting a 30' Hydra Flex for beans.
Tried spring wheat today. 25% moisture, left it and hope for better.
Its ripe now and forecast is wet for next week, ploughing land for winter wheat which we will start sowing arount the 20th sept
We were combineing some rye today but my combine cost $400 and is 60 years old but I put a 60 year old man in charge of running it and never went back who knows what happened.I had hay to bale.

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