Since the guy writing the newsletter shows how many products of China ARE labelled, but the label isn't included when they re-package the raw materials.....and that is in ORGANIC companies!!!!
So, how would COOL do anything to rectify that situation? What products besides meats does COOL affect?
For that matter, what good does COOl do other than to insult our best trading partners, Canada and Mexico? Countries with inspection and quality rules equivalent to ours, BTW.
It must be pretty difficult to determine what part of an animal is truly USA bred, born, etc. when Breeding Stock are sold back and forth, feeders are sold back and forth, but much of the FEEDING is done in the USA. Ownership when sold may be from any of the three countries when sold and processed in the USA, isn't it?
What consumers HAVE told panels asking what they want from the beef industry (meaning from conception to consumption, IMO) is they would like to know the FARM/RANCH of origin, not just the country. Country would be obvious if they know the ranch, wouldn't it?
But, of course, proponents of COOL did not want to be identified as producer of meat. COOL had created such and unnecessary mess, alienating our best trading partners, making cost of processing and ultimately of beef, higher. THANKS, R-CALF, NFU and other cohorts.