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Cow pictures

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
N.E. Oregon
Here are some pictures I took this week, these are all taken at the home place

This is a yearling 767G bull we raised out of one of our cows. He and another one bred our 50 replacement heifers.

This is me and Sweetie Pie, she is a yearling.

These are some of the rest of the yearling heifers in our field that has a center pivot on it.

Mike and #931

Just had to put their picture on again.
Nicky: Looking good.....one of the best Hereford traits is temperment...we tend to take it for granted but when we go to neighbours with other breeds we can get woke up fast!!
Quick question- 767G's pedigree?
He is a Holden bull, out of CL 1 Domino 500E, and a HH Advance 9012Y daughter. We've AIed to him for two years, have 3 heifers out of him that will calve this coming spring. Had 4 but one was a teenage bride and calved at 15 months old :!: Had a cute little steer, she's raising him and holding her body condition with no extra feed :wink: So much for having to wait til they are 3 years old to calve.
These are beyond a doubt the best looking cattle that have been posted on this web site.
Keep up the good work.

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