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After reading your misfortune here, I went out tonight for chores and found a cow trying the same, stuck her head between the top pipe and rail of powder river gate, got my cord and hand grinder and cut the top pipe to get her free. We need a law making it illegal for them to commit such acts.
It just seems whatever a cow can get into, she will. :cry: :cry: :(

Just like where I posted about weaning and the dumb cow who tried to jump the fence and didn't make it so she was dangled over the top bar all night long. Since we got her off, however, her attitude has changed a lot! for the better.

Have many other stories over the years. Nice to know we aren't the only ones who have stories. Some people around here like to hide their stories so all us neighbors hear how "perfect" they are. Oh well. I'm more impressed by the stories :wink: :wink:
Good post, Shelly!!!!!! :lol: :D :) :) :lol:

Stomach's hurting from laughing so hard!!! My spouse has ALL KINDS of stories.... (from birth to me)

Hanta Yo
I have to laugh, it's as good as a good joke. how many people think that they are such good ranchers but I now their dead pile is just as big as everybody else's. I spent three years in high school working for the vet, when people call you, they cannot hide anything and they will not think of hiding anything. When you are married to them or neighboring, they think that they have to one up on you and that THEY NEVER HAVE ANYTHING THAT EVER GOES WRONG, how could you ever let that happen to your cows?

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